Fixed Restoration Guide
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How to Fabricate a New Crown Under Existing Partial
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Step by step instructions from Dr. Allen Weiner
When a tooth abutting a partial denture requires crowning, the dentist traditionally picks up the prosthesis in a full-arch transfer impression and sends it to the laboratory. This allows the technician to use the clasps as a guide when creating the crown contour.
For most patients, going dentureless (even for a few days) is unpleasant. Without the prosthesis, mastication may be difficult. If the RPD includes anterior teeth, the patient may spend the period between appointments hiding from the world in mortified seclusion.
The following technique uses a Blu- Mousse Super-Fast index to register the clasp-tooth-relationship. This allows the technician or dentist to create an accurate template of the clasp. As a result, the patient never has to surrender the prosthesis.
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Troubleshooting Impressions
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Click on the link below to download the Fixed Impressions Work Mat that helps to identify the ways to take a successful impression. You can also reach out to your local Territory Rep or laboratory for this helpful tool.
Download the PDFReplacing Fractured Porcelain on a Bridge
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“Don’t Pull That Bridge!”
Step 2: Take a study model impression to include the fracture area. Note any unusual design factors on the substructure that you are aware of but do not show up in the impression or study model. We will prepare the fractured area on the model and return it to you as a cutting guide.
Step 3: Prepare an area on the patient’s bridge (in the mouth) as indicated on the cutting guide. Don’t be alarmed if there are small holes ground in the metal as the repair coping and cement will protect the tooth structure.
Step 4: Take an elastometric impression to include the prepared area and send it to the lab along with the prescription. Please include the shade selection and large pieces of fractured porcelain.
Step 5: We will fabricate the repair coping and return it to you for your patient.
Self-cure resin cements that utilize metal priming agents are recommended for the strongest adhesion.
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Tips for Accurate Shade Selection
Document Library and Dental/Medical
- The patient should remove any lipstick or bright makeup. Drape the patient with a neutral (grey) bib.
- Make the shade selection at the beginning of the appointment before the tooth becomes dehydrated and your eyes become fatigued from the other procedures. Whenever possible take a shade prior to tooth preparation.
- The canines are a good reference point in selecting a shade because they have the highest chroma (intensity) of the dominant hue (color) of the teeth.
- First impressions are the most accurate in shade selection.
- Make your final shade selection after comparing your shade selections with those of another team member. This works to double check these very subjective measurements.
- When making shade selections it is important not to view the comparison for more than 7 seconds at a time to avoid fatiguing the cones of the retina. We recommend you gaze at a neutral grey wall card. In fact, looking away at a grey card between each 7-second shade evaluation will reset the focus of your eyes and depth perception.
- Compare your shade selection under varying conditions such as with lip retraction versus lip down and when the patient moves their head in different directions or lighting angles. Request the patient sit up or stand up when determining the shade. The tab should be parallel with the tooth being shade matched so to minimize depth perception errors. View the shade under color corrected lighting.
- Many doctors feel that selecting a shade of slightly lower value from the adjacent teeth helps the porcelain “blend” nicely with the patient’s natural dentition.
- Keep in mind that you cannot provide too much descriptive information to your ceramist. A properly taken digital photograph with the shade tab and exposed shade number included in the photo provides many of the anatomical characteristics that can help you achieve excellence.
- Be aware that shade tabs degrade due to aging and disinfection. Have a new guide to compare the consistency of other guides and always designate the name of shade guide used; remember that A-2
may not be consistent between guides. For e.max crowns please include the natural die shade (stumpf shade) to ensure the proper end result.
Removable Partial Restoration Guide
Document Library and Dental/Medical
An overview of our Removable partials, with indications and contraindications.
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Denture Troubleshooting Guide
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Tips for maximizing your patients’ comfort with their new dentures. Troubleshoot issues related to:
- Comfort
- Burning Sensation
- Biting Cheeks and Tongue
- Redness of Tissue
- Pain in Mandibular Joint
- Instability
- Interference
- Gagging
- Esthetics
- Phonetics
Dental Sleep Medicine Product Guide
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A product guide to the features, indications and contraindications of our Snoring and Sleep Apnea Appliances, including what to send.
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Headache Therapy & Specialty Appliances Product Guide
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ADA Codes
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Fixed Restoration Guide
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- Verotek™ product line
- e.max®
- Full-Cast Crown
- Porcelain fused to metal (PFM)
- BruxZir®
Pick-Up Impression Procedure (Open Tray)
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Seating Implant Components
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Stage I Indexing
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Transfer Impression Procedure (Closed Tray)
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Enamel Wear: In Vivo Study of e.max
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NTI-tss & headaches
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A developing consensus is that this term leaves much to be desired (Laskin, 2008) because, as Nitzan et al (2004) state: ' ... TMD became a commitment-free term frequently used by clinicians and researchers to avoid well-defined differential diagnoses.'
The problem of classification of orofacial pain can be traced back to the 'lateral hand-off of responsibility from otolaryngologists (ENT Physicians) to dentists' (Greene, 2006), when in 1934 Costen erroneously concluded that the facial pain problems he saw were caused by dental and orthopedic misalignment of the cranium and jaw structures.
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NTI-tss & Migraines
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Dr. Andrew Blumenfeld, MD International Headache Congress (IHC) Abstract 2010
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Migraine is a prevalent and disabling condition, for which treatment options remain limited. Many patients do not wish to take oral preventive medications. The NTI splint is FDA approved for the treatment of migraine. However, the use of this option amongst headache experts is limited in part due to fear of potential dental, rather than systemic, adverse events.
This study used a web based questionnaire to collect data from dental providers on the methods of use and observed adverse events of the NTI splint in their practices.
A web-based questionnaire was e mailed to dental providers in the United States. Respondents were identified from dental laboratory and distributor records of documented NTI splint providers. Questions on the methods of use of the NTI splint and outcomes were asked. Analysis of the data is expressed as a percentage of total respondents.
Of 6,312 panelists contacted, 567(9%) responded. Respondents were largely male (506/567: 89%) and had on average prescribed 160 NTI splints each. The total number of NTI splints provided by this group of dental professionals was 90,720. 512/567 responded to the question regarding changes in occlusion secondary to NTI splint use. The number of patients reported to develop a clinical observation of abnormality of occlusion with an anterior open bite as a result of NTI splint use was reported at: 1.6% of 78,711 cases. Only 0.3% of patients reported aspirating the device; however 0% reported documented aspirations on X ray. The dental providers rated the NTI splint as an effective treatment for headache in the majority (over 90%) of the patients they treated.
Headache can be effectively and safely treated with the NTI splint in dental practices.
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Dr. Andrew Blumenfeld, MD International Headache Congress (IHC) Abstract 2009
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Background: Preventive treatments for migraine and tension type headache are often limited by patient compliance and poor tolerability, as escalating adverse side effects are anticipted as dosages of preventive medications increase. Primary headache disorders have multiple mechanisms that lead to ongoing headaches and it is likely that more than one treatment might be needed in an individual patient to control the disorder. To date, there are few studies that assess combination treatments in primary headache disorders. In this pilot study we describe a comparative study of the efficacy of nociceptive trigeminal inhibition (NTI) and Valproic acid (VA) in the treatment of migraine and tension-type headaches.
Methods: Sixty patients, 18 years of age and older, non-pregnant, who met International Headache Society criteria for migraine and tension-type headaches were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. 20 patients per treatment arm as follows: Valproic acid alone, NTI splint alone, and combination of NTI and Valproic Acid. Valproic Acid dose in the treatment arms was 200 mg bid. Clinical follow-up was performed for 8 weeks at weekly intervals. The patients reported headache on a visual analog scale before treatment and also after every week in their treatment period. Side effects were reported. Data were collected and compared between the groups using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test.
Results: VAS score changes were as follows: Valproic acid users showed a 61% reduction in headache. NTI users showed a 62% reduction in headache. NTI and Valproic acid users showed a 76% reduction in headache. The P-value is <0.0001 for the combination treatment compared with either treatment alone. No side effects reported with the NTI splint. Side effects reported for Valproic Acid included: gastro-intestinal upset, alopecia and depression. No patients discontinued the study due to adverse events. Conclusions: No statistical difference in treatment efficacy was noted between the Valproic acid and NTI treatment arms. However, there was a statically significantly superior improvement for the combination of Valproic Acid and NTI compared to either of the two individual treatments. There were no adverse side-effects with the NTI, while side effects were present for patients treated with Valproic Acid. Greater therapeutic gain, without an escalation of side effects, results from the combination of the two treatments.
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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Full Coverage Splint vs NTI
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Ten patients (age: 23–39 years) with a self-report of tooth-grinding during sleep were recruited. Patients were examined at baseline and after each treatment period with the use of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD. A portable EMG-device was used to record EMG-activity from the masseter muscle during sleep. The patients received two 2-week splint treatments in a randomized cross-over fashion; an NTI splint and a standard flat occlusal splint (OS).
EMG data were analysed according to published criteria. Using a 10% of maximum clenching EMG-activity cut-off threshold to determine the number of EMG-events h)1 of sleep, the NTI splint was associated with a significant reduction (9Æ2 – 3Æ2 events h)1 ) compared with baseline EMG (19Æ3 – 4Æ0; ANOVA: P = 0Æ004, Tukey post hoc: P = 0Æ006), whereas there were no differences between the OS (16Æ2 – 4Æ7) and baseline EMG (19Æ2 – 4Æ1; P = 0Æ716). There were no effects of either NTI or OS on clinical outcome measures (ANOVAs: P > 0Æ194). This shortterm study indicated a strong inhibitory effect on EMG-activity in jaw closing muscles during sleep of the NTI, but not the OS. However, the EMG-activity was not directly related to clinical outcome. Further studies will be needed to determine long-term effects and possible side effects of the NTI splint.
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NTI Migraine Therapy Device: My Personal Story
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Solutions
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) affects an ever-growing number of patients who visit dental offices each day. Often, the patients are unaware of the problem and living life with increasing health risks and complications. This Lunch & Learn will discuss common oral appliance therapies and procedures that can improve the lives of patient’s with OSA.
Learning Objectives
- To gain an understanding of Sleep Disordered Breathing and Sleep Apnea
- To learn about OSA screening tools
- To learn about the requirements and options in Oral Appliance Therapy
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
1 to 32: Zirconia Overview*
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
Most dental restorations are fabricated indirectly using a conventional or digital impression. History shows that the more accurate the impression, the greater the chance of success. Replicate will evaluate the determinants involved in creating an accurate impression, leading to more consistent results and fewer remakes.
Learning Objectives
- To understand the most common problems with traditional impression-taking and how or why they happen
- To learn tips and techniques to obtain better impressions
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Parafunction and the NTI-tss Plus™*
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Shade Selection*
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Parafunctional Control with the NTI-tss Plus™
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Fully Guided Full Arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction Seminar
September 06, 2018 at 9: 00 AM
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalAttention Surgical Specialists
We encourage you to attend this unique fully guided full arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction course with your top restorative dentists. Come as a team and experience the full scope of guided prosthetics and guided surgery for full arch immediate implant reconstruction. There is no course like this in the world.
Click Here to Register!
Live Surgery & Hands-on Training by:
Dr Michael A. Pikos
23 Credit Hours
Fee: $5500 US
September 6 – 8, 2018
8740 Mitchell Blvd.
Trinity, FL 34655
Course Objectives
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
Learn the protocol for a unique, digitally planned, fully guided surgical, restorative, and laboratory approach for immediate full arch implant reconstruction (Same Day Teeth® - nSequence Guided Prosthetics® protocol).
Compare the indications and advantages of a unique digital based, fully guided, interdisciplinary protocol (Same Day Teeth® - nSequence Guided Prosthetics® protocol) with the conversion denture protocol for full arch immediate implant reconstruction.
Learn the advantages of providing Same Day Teeth® with the nSequence Guided Prosthetics® protocol digital workflow in comparison to the conversion denture protocol workflow for both provisional and final prosthesis fabrication.
Understand the limitations and complications of the Same Day Teeth® - nSequence Guided Prosthetics® protocol in addition to the conversion denture protocol.
![]() |
| 888.809.2777 | 727.781.0491 |
What is nSequence
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NTI-tss Plus™ Checklist
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Webinar: 1 to 32 Zirconia
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after.
Online Webinar Overview
Of all the crown and bridge materials released in recent years, zirconia appears to be the best suited for universal applications. Monolithics for strength, and more recently, for aesthetics along with zirconia cores with layered porcelain provide the clinician options to treat anyone from the parafunctional patient to someone with high aesthetic demands. This webinar will explore the differences between the zirconia options and highlight their indications and contraindications.
Upon completion of the course the participant will:
- Understand the differences in zirconia restorations that are available
- Know how to avoid potential problems and remakes
- Establish treatment plans with more confidence
Lary C. George, Jr. DDS, MS

After earning his degree from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, Dr. Lary George began his career in private practice with his father in 1988. He furthered his education, completing the Advanced Prosthodontics program at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. In 2011, he became the Director of Professional Education for National Dentex, a nationwide network of dental laboratories.
Over the course of his career, Dr. George has presented continuing education courses both nationally and internationally. He brings countless hours of coursework to the table, as well as 10 years’ experience consulting with doctors on fixed, removable and implant cases. His expertise is highly valued by both the laboratory and practicing clinicians.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.
Original release date: 10/11/2017
Dental Sleep Medicine: Fundamentals
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Dental Sleep Medicine: You Can Do This. You Should Do This!
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Dental Sleep Medicine: The 4 Pillars of Dental Sleep Success
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Dental Sleep Medicine: Screen and Test Your Patients Now!
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Dental Sleep Medicine: The Role of CBCT in Dental Sleep Medicine
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Dental Sleep Medicine: Treat 99% of Your Snoring Sleep Apnea Patients with Four Devices
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Dental Sleep Medicine: Medical Billing
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Introduction to NTI-tss Plus™
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What if the NTI-tss Plus™ is too loose?
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What if the NTI-tss Plus™ is too tight?
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How to trim the DE on the NTI-tss Plus™
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NTI-tss Plus™ for Patients with Veneers
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NTI-tss Plus™ for Patients with Diastemas
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NTI-tss Plus™ for Patients with Overbites
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NTI-tss Plus™ Extended
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NTI-tss Plus™ Daytime
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Joint Compression Concerns Related to the NTI-tss Plus™
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The Usage of the NTI-tss Plus™
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The When and Why of NTI-tss Plus™
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Epworth Sleepiness Scale
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Download PDF to get your score!
IPS e.max® Prep Guide
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Patterns of Use for an Enhanced NTI Splint
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Dental CPR: Clinical Production Resuscitation
September 27, 2017 at 6: 00 PM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Wednesday, Sept 27th, 2017 | Registration: | 6:00 - 6:30 PM EDT | |
Cost: | Free | Lecture: | 2 CE Hour | |
CE Credit: | 2 CE Hour |
Course Overview
Dentistry is a tough way to make a living. It gets tougher when it takes
twice the time to do a case. “Dental CPR” looks at ways to increase
production by decreasing reworks and extra appointments. Dr. George
shares his experience from private practice and time as a laboratory
consultant to dentists to help decrease reworks in fixed, removable, and
implant prosthetics.
Upon completion of the course the participant will:
- Discuss common problems with impressions
- Review proper prep design for the fixed options offered
- Go over tips to avoid production pitfalls
Lary C. George, Jr. DDS, MS

After earning his degree from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, Dr. Lary George began his career in private practice with his father in 1988. He furthered his education, completing the Advanced Prosthodontics program at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. In 2011, he became the Director of Professional Education for National Dentex, a nationwide network of dental laboratories.
Over the course of his career, Dr. George has presented continuing education courses both nationally and internationally. He brings countless hours of coursework to the table, as well as 10 years’ experience consulting with doctors on fixed, removable and implant cases. His expertise is highly valued by both the laboratory and practicing clinicians.
Fill out the form below to register!
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Webinar: Managing Migraines and Parafunction
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Webinar Overview:
The effects of parafunction manifest themselves every day in the typical dental practice in the form of tooth wear, broken restorations, and headaches. Eliminating clenching and bruxing is impossible, therefore, management of the patient’s condition becomes the goal of treatment. “Managing Migraines and Parafunction” will provide the clinician with additional treatment options in the ongoing campaign against the effects of parafunction.
Upon completion of the course the participant will:
- Have a protocol for managing parafunction
- Know the indications of partial-coverage verses full-coverage splint therapy
- Be familiar with the required clinical procedures for splint therapy
Lary C. George, Jr. DDS, MS

After earning his degree from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, Dr. Lary George began his career in private practice with his father in 1988. He furthered his education, completing the Advanced Prosthodontics program at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. In 2011, he became the Director of Professional Education for National Dentex, a nationwide network of dental laboratories.
Over the course of his career, Dr. George has presented continuing education courses both nationally and internationally. He brings countless hours of coursework to the table, as well as 10 years’ experience consulting with doctors on fixed, removable and implant cases. His expertise is highly valued by both the laboratory and practicing clinicians.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Original release date: 10/11/2017
The Virtual Dental Patient: Digitally Designed All-on-X
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Scott County Dental Fall Meeting 2017 CE
October 13, 2017 at 8: 00 AM CDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Friday, October 13, 2017 | Time: | 8:00AM – 3:00PM CDT | |
Cost: | Free: Scott County Member + One Staff $50: Additional staff $100: Non-Scott County Member |
CE Credit: | 6 CE Hours |
Download Form to Register Now!
Webinar Overview:
Dr. Mike Malone has combined the occlusion and restorative teachings of L. D. Pankey, Alvin Fillastre, Pete Dawson, etc., with a passion for learning from the best and brightest in cosmetic dentistry. He has developed systems for combining predictable restorative techniques with ideal cosmetic procedures. He will go over his step-by-step process (utilizing advanced digital photography and presentations) for achieving predictable case acceptance for optimum dentistry. This full day lecture will highlight the systems he uses to achieve predictable excellence in cosmetic restorative procedures in his practice devoted to cosmetic and complex reconstructive dentistry.
Upon completion of the course the participant will:
- Complete the preparation phase faster and with more control
- Manage soft tissue and take ideal impressions every time
- Transfer the information in the diagnostic wax-up into a completed provisional that rivals the final restoration
- Complete and seat finished restorations with predictability
Mike Malone, DDS, FAGD
Past-PresidentAmerican Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Malone’s commitment to excellence in restorative and cosmetic dentistry started early with extensive continuing education with his primary mentors: L. D. Pankey, Alvin Fillastre, Pete Dawson, and Mike Schuster. He received a fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry in 1988 and is a member of the ADA, American Equilibration Society, the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the Pankey Alumni Association. He has been a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry since 1988, and was accredited in 1992. In 1995, Dr. Malone was asked to become a member of the Accreditation Board of Examiners of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and went on to become an Appeals Examiner for the A.B.O.E. After serving six years on the Board of Directors of the AACD, Dr. Malone served as President from 2003-04. He is also on the staff of LSU School of Dentistry as an Assistant Clinical Professor in Prosthodontics. He is a published author in leading journals and speaks internationally on cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Dr. Malone maintains a full-time dental practice limited to cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry in Lafayette, LA.
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Dubuque District Fall Meeting 2017 CE
October 06, 2017 at 8: 00 AM CDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Friday, October 6, 2017 | Time: | 8:00AM – 3:00PM CDT | |
Cost: | $200: ADA Member $50: Additional staff $300: Non ADA DDS |
CE Credit: | 6 CE Hours |
Download Form to Register Now!
Webinar Overview:
All dental specialists and their staff/team members are involved in clinical decisions based on science. We yield to that obligation. As professionals we strive to provide accurate information to parents and patients who present with occlusal relationships that, if left untreated, may lead to conditions that can be both unattractive, dysfunctional and could become more severe.
Upon completion of the course the participant will:
- What are the potential consequences of advising to not treat the anterior and/or posterior cross-bite and wait until all the permanent teeth are in occlusion? What is the best time to correct these problems?
- What evidence exists for Class 2 treatment timing and what are some of the evidence based treatment options?
- How are clinical decisions made for extraction, non-extraction and the difficult “borderline” patients?
- Which patients have the highest relapse potential; what factors are responsible for the relapse and what can be done to mitigate the risk?
- Prior to treatment, which specific orthodontic records and informed consent forms are needed?
Gerry S. Samson, DDS
Diplomat, American Board of Orthodontics (ABO)Fellow, American College of Dentists (FACD)

Described as an educational entertainer, Gerry Samson completed pediatric dental residency at Emory University in 1979 under the direction of Dr. Ed Hibbard and orthodontics at Northwestern University in 1981 under the direction of Dr. Hal Perry. Since that time, Gerry has been in private orthodontic practice, is a Diplomat of the American Board of orthodontics and a Fellow of The American College of Dentists. In addition to the orthodontic private practice, Dr. Samson holds formal faculty appointments at 8 postgraduate programs, lectures extensively and reviews orthodontic mechanics articles submitted for publication to The Angle Orthodontist. He was the invited guest Co-Editor of Seminars in Orthodontics: “Age Appropriate Orthodontics,” March and June 2014.
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Introduction to NTI Migraine Therapy for Patients
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Introduction to NTI Migraine Therapy for Dentists
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Webinar: Systematic Shade Selection
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
The daily challenge of shade selection permeates every aspect of prosthetic dentistry. Having a good understanding of color, contour, and the different restorations available is critical to selecting shades that blend into the oral environment. “Systematic Shade Selection” evaluates current concepts to develop a simplified, systematic approach to shade selection and meeting patient expectations.
Upon completion of the course, the participant will:
- Gain a basic understanding of color theory and how it relates to prosthetic dentistry.
- Develop a better understanding of the most commonly used shade guides.
- Decrease reworks due to inaccurate shade selection.
Lary C. George, Jr. DDS, MS

After earning his degree from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, Dr. Lary George began his career in private practice with his father in 1988. He furthered his education, completing the Advanced Prosthodontics program at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. In 2011, he became the Director of Professional Education for National Dentex, a nationwide network of dental laboratories.
Over the course of his career, Dr. George has presented continuing education courses both nationally and internationally. He brings countless hours of coursework to the table, as well as 10 years’ experience consulting with doctors on fixed, removable and implant cases. His expertise is highly valued by both the laboratory and practicing clinicians.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Original release date: 12/27/2017
Flexible Alternatives to Cast Metal Partials
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
The clinical use of flexible nylon partials has steadily grown over the past decade. Although some dentists prefer the rigid construction of traditional cast frame rpd’s, many are choosing to provide metal-free, flexible tissue borne prostheses.
This program will explain the advantages and disadvantages of flexible partials and other alternative materials. We will include a review of additional removable solutions available from the dental laboratory.
Learning Objectives
- To understand indications and contraindications for a flexible partial
- To understand the advantages and disadvantages of flexible partials
- To review patient care for partials
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Digital Workflow
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
Technology is quickly transforming the world around us, including the field of dentistry. Changes abound in the way prosthetic procedures are performed in the operatory and in the dental laboratory. One of the more fascinating technological advances in dentistry is the use of both digital impressions and the digital laboratory workflow. This course discusses how the digital workflow increases accuracy, provides a quicker turnaround time, and reduces remakes.
Learning Objectives
- To understand the differences between traditional and digital laboratory workflows
- To understand the steps in a digital lab workflow
- To learn how “going digital” in your office can assist you in becoming more efficient
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Introducing the dreamTAP
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A short video highlighting the features of the dreamTAP Sleep Appliance.
Changing the dreamTAP Hooks
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A video tutorial demonstrating how to swap out the hooks of the dreamTAP to best meet your patient’s needs.
Fitting the TAP 3
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See the step-by-step seating instructions and discover the benefits of using the ThermAcryl liner for the TAP3 Sleep Appliance.
Partial and Full Arch Implant Rehabilitation Webinar
April 17, 2018 at 7: 00 PM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Tuesday, April 17, 2018 | Time: | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EDT | |
Cost: | Free | CE Credit: | 1 CE Hour |
Webinar Overview:
This is the second session of a 3-part Implant series that will continue to build on the basic concepts from the first presentation by elaborating on more advanced sequencing. There will be a focus on restoring implants in the aesthetic zone, which includes a review of abutment and material selection to achieve optimal aesthetic results. The course will also focus on start to finish therapy, how to manage interim restorations, and planning and selecting the right implant in the proper position. Additionally, this course will also review implant provisionals, highlighting their benefits and how they influence the final outcome.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will learn about:
- Occlusal design for implant dentistry
- Multiple implant restorations
- Implant assisted RPD
- Implant Over-denture protocols
- Full Arch restorative options
- Digital Protocols for Advanced cases
Dr. Bryan T. Harris

Dr. Bryan T. Harris has a private practice in Louisville, KY. He has lectured on a variety of topics and is a member of the American College of Prosthodontists, the Academy of Osseointegration and the International Team of Implantology.
Fill out the form below to register!
Webinar: The Opioid Crisis in the Dental Community
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 340 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview
In this webinar, the opioid crisis will be discussed, including statements and guidelines from the American Dental Association (ADA). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for prescribing medications, as well as overdose statistics from the National Institute on Drug Abuse will also be presented. In addition, there will be a review of statistics of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).
Upon completion of the course, the participant will have knowledge of:
- CDC Guidelines for prescribing
- Statistics of Overdose
- Statistics of PDMP including individual states
- Resources for more information
James Grant, DDS

Dr. James Grant currently works at DentaQuest as Dental Director for Colorado and is the owner of Grant Dental Technology Corporation, a company that designs, develops and produces dental implant and associated surgical and restorative instruments. Previously, he had a private practice in Colorado Springs for 22 years. He has lectured and consulted for many dental organizations and has written articles for publications.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.
Release Date: 8/6/2018
Expiration Date: 8/6/2021
POWERlooking - A Guide to Assessing Aesthetic Smiles
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject AGD Code:780 | Course Prerequisites:None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Course Overview
You need to understand what an aesthetic smile is before you can create one.
There are a number of variables that must be mastered and implemented in order to achieve an aesthetic result. This course will provide attendees with the foundation necessary to objectively evaluate dental aesthetics and immediately apply these principles to daily practice.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, attendees should be able to:
- Apply principles of smile design and analysis of proportions.
- Integrate mathematical algorithms of dental aesthetics to smile design.
- Understand the impact of shape and texture on tooth form.
- Utilize hue, value and chroma to determine color for anterior restorations.
- Effectively communicate desired outcomes to the patient and laboratory.
Arthur Volker, DDS, M.S.Ed., FAGD

Dr. Arthur Volker is a Woodside, NY native who practices in Sunnyside. He graduated from Columbia University's School of Dental and Oral Surgery and completed a General Practice Residency at the New York Hospital of Queens. He is also a former Attending at Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing Facility where he supervised dental residents. Dr. Volker has published articles in various dental publications and lectures to groups in addition to being an active member of a number of dental organizations.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Original release date: 05/17/22
Expiration Date: 05/17/25
Seminar: The Changing World of Implant Dentistry - The Latest Patient-Specific Overdenture Solutions
October 18, 2018 at 5: 45 PM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, October 18, 2018 | Time: | 5:45-6:30 PM EDT - Registration & Dinner 6:30-8:30 PM EDT - Presentation |
Where: | Antonelli Event Center 100 Colony Drive Irwin, PA 15642 (Adjacent to NDX Albensi) |
CE Credit: | 2 CE Hours |
Cost: | FREE (Dinner included) | Subject Code: | 610 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Albensi and Dentsply Sirona
Register Now!*
*Please register by Thursday, October 11th.
Course Overview
This program will provide clinicians with the latest information and the tools necessary to succeed in integrating innovative technologies into their practices. State-of-the-art, patient-specific overdenture solutions and how they are gaining in popularity will be presented. The concept uses rigid telescopic principles to give patients a pure implant-borne, palate-free, removable result that is easy to clean. Integrating precision technology with today’s patients’ needs provides them with the functionality and aesthetics they demand and make removable dentistry enjoyable again!
At the completion of this course, participants will be able to understand:
- Proper implant diagnostics: a collaborative approach
- The different attachment system options
- Step-by-step instructions for the clinical team
- Overdenture fabrication and aesthetics
Jimmy Stegall, National Accounts Manager, Dentsply
Jimmy Stegall is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with over 37 years of field, teaching and clinical experience. His career in dentistry includes serving as President of New Era Service Centers, a division of Dental Services Group (a network of 60 dental labs), and managing a 135-person dental laboratory in South Carolina. He is currently a National Accounts Manager for Dentsply Sirona Implants. He has presented hundreds of programs to dental societies, study groups, and associations.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Sleep Apnea - Wake Up to the Problem - Part 1
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 730 | Course Prerequisites: None
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview
Did you know that dentists play a key role in treating sleep apnea? Left untreated, sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, stroke, heart conditions and diabetes. Did you know there are hundreds of undiagnosed patients in your practice suffering from sleep apnea? Dentists have a unique opportunity to detect and treat this debilitating condition in patients who may never have sought help. Based on real-life, day-to-day practice and implemented techniques that have led to successful results with OSA therapy, this webinar is designed as an overview on dental sleep medicine and how you can improve your patients’ overall health and quality of life while building your practice. Attention is given to the four steps to successful implementation – Awareness, Diagnosis, Financials, Treatment.
You will leave this webinar with confidence to understand:
- Overview of what sleep apnea is and the different types
- Overview of health consequences of untreated sleep apnea
- Creating awareness in the hygiene department
- How to get a diagnosis from a sleep physician
- Overview of treatment options
- How an oral appliance works and oral appliance selection
- Overview of record-taking techniques
Erin Elliott, DDS

Dr. Erin Elliott grew up in Southern California but went to college in western New York where she played collegiate soccer and graduated summa cum laude. After graduating Creighton Dental School in 2003, she settled in North Idaho to begin her general dentistry career. She has a special interest in Dental Sleep Medicine and Short-Term Orthodontics. She has lectured extensively on this topic and loves to help general dentists extend this life-saving service to their patients. She is an active member of her local American Dental Association, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and is the past president and a diplomat of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy. She’s teaching sleep apnea with 3D-Dentists and Dr. Tarun Agarwal, as well as privately coaching practices about sleep.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release Date: 9/21/2018
Expiration Date: 9/21/2024
The Digital Intraoral Workflow
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Date: | Tuesday, September 18, 2018 | Time: | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EDT | |
Cost: | Free | CE Credit: | 1 CE Hour | |
Subject Code: | 675 | Hosted by: | National Dentex |
Webinar Overview
The Locator is one of the most recognized attachment systems among dentists today--and probably the least understood. Attachment dentistry provides superior cosmetic and functional alternatives in the treatment planning and fabrication of overdentures. This presentation clarifies and simplifies how the Locator can be easily used for successful chairside placement.
Upon completion of the course, the participant will be able to understand:
- The differences between the five different types of Locator dental attachments
- The differences in the various retentive elements
- Why chairside placement is better than laboratory placement
George Bambara, MS, DMD, FACD

Dr. Bambara is on the faculty at the Rutger's School of Dental Medicine and holds Fellowships in the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists and the International Academy of Dento-Facial Esthetics. He lectures nationally and internationally on attachment prosthetics and has been selected as one of Dentistry Today's Leaders in Continuing Education from 2005 to the present. Dr. Bambara publishes articles on attachment dentistry and has authored a chapter on precision and semi-precision attachments in the recently published textbook, Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry.
Fill out the form below to register!
* In order to receive CE credits, participants must listen to and view the webinar presentation.
Contact with any questions.
{^widget|(path)%2fWidgets%2fCE-Approved-Provider|(name)pageplaceholder|(container)SectionW_Class|(containercssclass)intro-section|(widget_displayname)Page+placeholder|(width)|(height)^}What’s New in Implant Dentistry
November 01, 2018 at 5: 30 PM CDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, November 1st, 2018 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM CDT | Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM CDT | Lecture |
Where: | Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Fox Cities 5395 W. Michaels Dr. Appleton, WI 54913 |
Cost: | FREE Refreshments & Dinner Included |
CE Credits: | 2 | Subject Code: | 690 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Lords, Zimmer Biomet and
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Fox Cities
Seminar Overview
This program will provide attendees with a strong theoretical basis on the management of single-tooth implants to full-arch restorations. Updates on the latest technologies and how they can increase the success of your dental implant cases will be covered. Lastly, features and benefits of immediate full-arch rehabilitation "same day" solutions will be reviewed in detail.
Upon completion of the course, the participant will have knowledge of:
- Learn about the features and benefits of implant designs that offer patient predictability
- Understand the differences between prefabricated, custom and CAD/CAM abutments
- Learn about restoring restorations utilizing traditional impression techniques vs. intraoral scanning
- Identify the differences between good, better and best when restoring hopeless dentition
Wayne Szara, CDT

Wayne Szara is an Emerging Technologies Specialist with Zimmer Biomet Technical Services. He is a graduate of Triton College and Southern Illinois University with degrees in dental technology and vocational education. A published author, Wayne’s technical articles have appeared in peer reviewed journals. He is recognized by the U.S. Army as an outstanding seminar leader in their professional development program for dentists and dental technicians and has been an accredited certified dental technician since 1991. Wayne has been working with Zimmer Biomet for 12 years as a Senior Territory Manager and Technical Specialist, presenting at numerous seminars including hands-on programs on implants and implant prosthetics throughout the U.S. as well as internationally.
Fill out the form below to register!
Contact with any questions.

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Challenges with Implants, Abutments and Implant Restorations
October 16, 2018 at 7: 00 PM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Tuesday, October 16, 2018 | Time: | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EDT | |
Cost: | Free | CE Credit: | 1 CE Hour | |
Subject Code: | 690 | Hosted by: | National Dentex |
Webinar Overview
This webinar will focus on dental implant procedures and offer helpful tips. We will specifically address how to choose between a cement-retained vs. screw-retained crown and challenges inherent to all implant cases.
Upon completion of the course, the participant will have knowledge of:
- The history of dental implants
- The patient workflow for an implant case
- Pros and cons of screw-retained and cement-retained crowns
- Emerging implant products
- The market growth related to dental implants
James Grant, DDS
Dr. James Grant currently works at DentaQuest as Dental Director for Colorado and is the owner of Grant Dental Technology Corporation, a company that designs, develops and produces dental implant and associated surgical and restorative instruments. Previously, he had a private practice in Colorado Springs for 22 years. He has lectured and consulted for many dental organizations and has written articles for publications.
Please fill out the form below to register!
* In order to receive CE credits, participants must listen to and view the webinar presentation.
Contact with any questions.
{^widget|(path)%2fWidgets%2fCE-Approved-Provider|(container)SectionW_Class|(name)pageplaceholder|(containercssclass)intro-section|(widget_displayname)Page+placeholder|(width)|(height)^}Sleep Apnea - Wake up to the Problem - Part 2
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 730 | Course Prerequisites: Sleep Apnea - Wake up to the problem - Part 1
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview
This webinar will build on the information presented in Sleep Apnea: Wake up to the Problem, taking information and content to the next level. We will provide you with valuable information that you can take back to your office and additional information on how to treat these patients.
You will leave this webinar with confidence to understand:
- Awareness of OSA: An overview of what dentists see daily.
- Diagnosis: Looking a bit closer at Polysomnograms and Home Sleep Tests. Is it all about AHI?
- Financials: Filing insurance claims and which code(s) to use. What is a PDAC list?
- Treatment: Choosing the right appliance, AADSM guidelines and possible complications.
Erika Mason, DDS, ABDSM, ACSDD

Dr. Erika Mason has practiced dentistry in Richmond, Virginia, for over 30 years. Seven years ago, she decided to focus solely on Dental Sleep Medicine (DSM) at Sleep Better Virginia after incorporating DSM into her practice for the last 10 years. Dr. Mason has been a leader for Virginia dentists, helping to establish the Virginia Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. She lectures nationally and has published numerous articles in various dental trade magazines. She has received Diplomate status with the ABDSM and the ACSDD, and she consults with numerous DSM organizations.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release Date: 11/13/2018
Expiration Date: 11/13/2024
Leaving a Lasting Impression
November 09, 2018 at 8: 00 AM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Friday, November 9th, 2018 | Time: | 07:30am - 08:00am EST | Registration 08:00am - 08:45am EST | Breakfast 09:00am - 12:00pm EST | Lecture |
Where: | West Shore Country Club 100 Brentwater Rd. Camp Hill, PA 17011 |
CE Credits: | 3 (2 lecture + 1 hands-on) * Assistants Only |
Cost: | FREE * Breakfast Included |
Subject Code: | 017 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Thayer and 3M
Course Overview
An accurate impression determines the fit and the clinical success of a dental restoration. Different technologies are used for precision impressioning like silicones or polyethers. Properties like set time, hydrophilicity or tear resistance have been continuously developed to improve reliability and handling from a dentist’s perspective, as well as to improve patient comfort. This repeatedly leads to new generations of impression materials. This presentation gives an overview about the chemistry and technologies behind impression material.
Attendees should leave the course with knowledge of the following:
- To understand the full indirect procedure workflow
- To understand the different types of impression material
- To understand the importance of pre-operative tissue management
- To discuss tissue management, tray selection and delivery options
- Discuss tips and tricks for precision impressioning
Abdul Dire, Technical Service Specialist

Abdul received his B.S. degree in Materials Science & Engineering and an M.S. in Management of Technology from the University of Minnesota. Abdul joined 3M in 2006 as a technical service engineer in the Electronics Markets Materials Division before joining 3M Oral Care in 2014. He has four issued patents and four pending patent applications. As a Technical Service Specialist, he has primary responsibility for supporting the prevention and impressioning category. In addition, Abdul is one of the key architects of the 3M Impact Program—a global, skill-based pro bono program designed to engage 3Mers in solving the most pressing societal problems for communities around the world. He resides in Woodbury, MN with his wife and four children.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 3 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Maximizing Clinical Outcomes for Your Patient Population
November 09, 2018 at 8: 00 AM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Friday, November 9th, 2018 | Time: | 07:30am - 08:00am EST | Registration 08:00am - 08:45am EST | Breakfast 09:00am - 12:00pm EST | Lecture |
Where: | West Shore Country Club 100 Brentwater Rd. Camp Hill, PA 17011 |
CE Credits: | 3 |
Cost: | FREE * Breakfast Included |
Subject Code: | 250 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Thayer and 3M
Course Overview
This fast-paced, informative session will introduce the participants to several new philosophies, materials and techniques in preventive and restorative dentistry designed to simplify clinical practice and yield predictable clinical outcomes and problem-free restorations. Various clinical tips and techniques will be introduced that eliminate common problems associated with routine clinical procedures. These include: diagnosing and managing caries, periodontal disease and occlusion, creating perfect Class II restorations, mastering flawless crown and bridge impressions, enhancing aesthetics in anterior direct bonding cases and proper adhesion and curing protocols. Additionally, this course will cover the latest developments in all porcelains, cements, impression materials and CAD/CAM technology.
Attendees should leave the course with knowledge of the following:
- To learn predictable techniques designed to capture flawless impressions the first time they are attempted
- To develop a better understanding of the indications and contraindications of modern ceramic materials
- To master appropriate bonding and curing protocols
- To improve understanding of the plethora of modern cements and which clinical situations are indicated for their use
- To understand the latest technological advances in CAD/CAM dentistry
Marc Geissberger, DDS

Dr. Marc Geissberger is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Integrated Reconstructive Dental Sciences at University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry. He runs Pacific’s prestigious complex and aesthetic rehabilitation program. He is a fellow of the American Dental Education Association’s leadership institute, a researcher and a published author on the topics of dental materials, contemporary fixed prosthodontics and aesthetic dentistry. He has presented over 250 lectures and hands-on workshops both nationally and internationally. Dr. Geissberger serves as a consultant for many dental materials companies and helps guide product development. During his 25 years in academia, he has maintained a private practice geared toward restorative dentistry with his brother, Dr. Jeffrey Geissberger.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 3 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Seminar: Implant Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Digital Solutions for Single Tooth Restorations
December 06, 2018 at 5: 30 PM
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, December 6th, 2018 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM EST | Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM EST | Lecture |
Where: | NDX Thayer 131 Old Schoolhouse Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 |
CE Credits: | 2 |
Cost: | FREE * Dinner Included |
Subject Code: | 690 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Thayer and Dentsply Sirona
Course Overview
Traditional methods of creating restorations have been replaced by digital processes and are forever changed. The multiple technologies of CBCT imaging, intraoral scanning, laboratory scanning, 3D digital restorative design and CAD/CAM production have contributed to this trend. This course will review how these technologies help streamline the implant restorative connection in single-tooth replacement cases. It will provide a comprehensive overview of evolving digital workflows with specific emphasis on implant dentistry. Clinical and laboratory protocols will be reviewed that focus on prosthetically driven processes that create precise and predictable treatment outcomes. A review and comparison of the conventional implant restorative workflow to one that implements digital technology will be explored.
Attendees should leave the course with knowledge of the following:
- To utilize tools and protocols for proper treatment planning
- To recognize the options available for the replacement of a single tooth, predictably and esthetically
- To become familiar with options for implant-supported restorations
- To understand the rationale for abutment selection
- To understand how implementing digital technology as part of the restorative technique can decrease patient visits and reduce chair time
- To understand how digital technology allows the restorative doctor to receive a patient-specific abutment and final crown without having to take an impression or make a temporary
- To understand how the use of an intraoral scanner in conjunction with a scan body can streamline and simplify the implant restorative workflow
- To review the different scanners available and to be able to assess which one may be the best fit for your practice
- To discuss the uses and limitations of digital restorative design and CAD/CAM production
Dr. Matthew Hopfensperger
Dr. Matthew Hopfensperger is an assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. “Dr. Hop” joined the faculty in 1998 and is the Director of the extensive UNC Predoctoral Dental Implant Program and initiated the elective UNC Predoctoral Implant Surgery Course. He received his DDS degree from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1986. The following year, he attended the GPR Program at Sinai Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. After gaining additional private practice experience, he returned to the University of Michigan and received an MS degree in Prosthodontics in 1991. Upon graduation, he served on the faculty of the University of Western Australia from 1992 to 1993. In conjunction with his wife, Dr. Sian Kwa, Dr. Hop founded the first specialty practice of the Netherlands, which they operated together until 1998. Dr. Hopfensperger maintains an active practice in the UNC Dental Faculty Practice, which focuses on advanced restorative and implant dentistry. He has extensive restorative and surgical experience with multiple dental implant systems and provides a unique perspective to implant dentistry.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Seminar: Digital Optimization
April 18, 2019 at 5: 30 PM CST
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, April 18th, 2019 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM CST | Registration 6:00 - 7:00 PM CST | Lecture 7:00 - 8:00 PM CST | Demo and Q&A |
Where: | NDX Stern Empire 1805 W. 34th St. Houston, TX 77018 |
CE Credits: | 1 |
Cost: | FREE Dinner Included |
Subject Code: | 562 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Stern Empire and Align Technology
Course Overview
This course provides a general overview of digital impressions to give dentists a basis for determining if intraoral scanning is a good fit for their practice. We will discuss how today’s digital workflow increases practice efficiency, patient experience and case acceptance. After the presentation, a clinician will share his perspective and experience with digital dentistry. We will also feature a hands-on demo and scanning of live patients.
Attendees should leave the course with knowledge of the following:
- To understand today’s digital workflow
- To understand how practice efficiencies increase
- To understand improving patient experience and education with digital scanning
- To learn about increasing case acceptance utilizing an outcome simulator and timelapse application
Dr. Darrick Castleberry
Dr. Castleberry is a native Houstonian and graduate of Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry. He earned the nickname “Painless” while completing his General Practice Residency as an Amphibious Special Operation’s Dentist with the United States Navy. He has transferred his painless approach, in conjunction with his extensive LVI Training, iTero Workflow Training, and Misch Surgical Training, to private practice serving the Klein community in North Houston. Dr. Castleberry is an Invisalign Silver Provider and devotes a significant amount of time to the digital optimization of his Invisalign and restorative treatments.
Matthew Goodwin
Matthew Goodwin has been in the dental industry as a Territory Manager with National Dentex & NDX Stern Empire for more than 5 years. During this time, Matt has focused on supporting clinicians in the use of restorative materials and new dental technologies, including digital impression systems. In addition, he also serves as NDX’s Product & Sales Trainer.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Seminar: Digital Implant Planning for Full Arch Dental Implant Treatment - Surgical and Restorative Options
May 03, 2019 at 8: 00 AM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Friday, May 3, 2019 | Time: | 7:30 - 8:00 AM EDT | Registration 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT | Program 12:00 - 1:00 PM EDT | Lunch |
Where: | Straumann 60 Minuteman Road Andover, MA 01810 |
CE Credits: | 3.5 |
Cost: | FREE | Subject Code: | 610 |
HOSTED BY: Straumann in association with NDX® H&O and NDX® nSequence
Course Overview
Surgical treatment of full arch cases requires a team approach, and the treatment will vary based on determining factors such as patient anatomy, available bone, and patient treatment desires. Many edentulous patients and patients with hopeless dentition want a more permanent treatment option and often request complex full-arch treatments with shorter treatment times and fewer appointments. In this program, participants will learn about how digital dentistry is enhancing surgical treatment options from an interdisciplinary point of view. Participants will learn how to identify and evaluate the appropriate candidates for treatment, and discuss immediate placement and loading to improve functional outcomes, meet patient requirements, and review workflow options, and real cases.
Attendees should leave the course with knowledge of the following:
- Identify the need and opportunity to treat full arch patients with fixed detachable prostheses
- Recognize how to incorporate recent technological advances as part of the treatment plan
- Identify cases where guided surgery planning would be helpful for implant placement
- Understand surgical treatment options based on a restorative-driven team approach
- Review restorative materials and processes available to meet your patient’s expectations
- Understand options to execute treatment in an efficient, predictable and profitable manner
Presenter - Dr. Hunter Dawson
Straumann NAM Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 6/1/2018 to 5/31/2024 Provider ID# 210303 |
Seminar: Comprehensive Digital Dentistry
May 09, 2019 at 5: 30 PM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, May 9, 2019 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM EDT | Registration 6:00 - 7:00 PM EDT | Presentation 7:00 - 8:00 PM EDT | Scanner Demo and Q&A |
Where: | NDX Dental Art 1721 N. Grand River Ave. Lansing, MI 48906 |
CE Credit: | 1 |
Cost: | FREE | Subject Code: | 138 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Dental Art, iTero & Invisalign
Course Overview
This program will provide a general overview of digital impressions to give dentists a basis for determining if intraoral scanning is a good fit for their practices. We will discuss how today’s digital workflow increases practice efficiencies and case acceptance and improves the patient experience.
- To understand today’s digital workflow
- To understand how practice efficiencies can increase through a digital workflow
- To understand how digital scanning improves the patient experience and patient education
Tracey Barrett, NDX Territory Sales Manager

Tracey Barrett has been in the dental industry as a Territory Sales Manager with National Dentex & NDX Dental Art for more than five years. During this time, Tracey has focused on supporting clinicians in the use of restorative materials and new dental technologies, including digital impression systems.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Seminar: Cementation Considerations, Risks & Techniques for Single-Unit Implant Restorations
September 19, 2019 at 5: 30 PM EDT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, September 19, 2019 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM EDT | Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM EDT | Presentation |
Where: | NDX Thayer 131 Old Schoolhouse Ln. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 |
CE Credit: | 2 |
Cost: | FREE | Subject Code: | 690 |
HOSTED BY: NDX Thayer & Dentsply Sirona Implants
Course Overview
This didactic course will discuss the role that personalized or precision implant therapy has on minimizing biological and prosthetic complications at the time of and following single-tooth replacement. Specifically, prosthetic design factors within the transmucosal envelope that impact hard and soft-tissue outcomes will be reviewed in lieu of current evidence, technology and best practices.
- Discuss the role that the implant-abutment interface design has on peri-implant marginal bone-level health and maintenance.
- Review how proper interdisciplinary communication can prevent prosthetic design restrictions and poor outcomes utilizing digital workflows.
- Discuss emerging digital workflows to convert cement-retained restorations to screw-retained restorations.
Christopher Barwacz, DDS, FAGD, FICD
Christopher A. Barwacz, DDS, is an Assistant Professor with a dual appointment in the Craniofacial Clinical Research Program (CCRP) and Department of Family Dentistry at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry & Dental Clinics. He earned his DDS degree from the University of Iowa, an AEGD Certificate from Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health Science Center, and subsequently completed an Implant Fellowship at the University of Iowa. He is a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry and the International College of Dentists, and currently maintains a faculty practice in restorative and implant dentistry in Iowa City, IA.
Registration for this event is now closed.
National Dentex is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
National Dentex
Event: What Does Your Digital Footprint Look Like?
October 09, 2019 at 6: 00 PM CT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Wednesday, October 9, 2019 | Time: | 6:00 - 8:00 PM CT |
Where: | NDX Keller 160 Larkin Williams Industrial Court Fenton, MO 63026 |
CE Credit: | N/A |
Cost: | FREE - Dinner Included | Subject Code: | N/A |
HOSTED BY: iTero, Invisalign & NDX Keller
Presented By:
Jamey Fox with iTero, Andy Garrison, Patrick Heuler and Kate Quaka with Invisalign; Matt Brandt and Allison Wilson with NDX Keller
Topics for the evening include:
- Understanding today’s digital workflow
- How to increase your efficiencies…work smarter, not harder
- Improving your patients’ experiences with digital scanning
- How to increase case acceptance utilizing the Outcome Simulator & Timelapse Applications
- How to increase educational opportunities for you patients
To Register:
RSVP with Keller Lab at 636.600.4200
Nobel Biocare & NDX Keller Educational Event
October 17, 2019 at 6: 00 PM CT
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, October 17, 2019 | Time: | 6:00 - 8:00 PM CT |
Where: | NDX Keller 160 Larkin Williams Industrial Court Fenton, MO 63026 |
CE Credit: | 2 awarded by Nobel Biocare |
Cost: | FREE - Dinner Included | Subject Code: | N/A |
HOSTED BY: Nobel Biocare & NDX Keller
Presented By:
Justin Smith, Jody Griggs & Jason Ermold with Nobel Biocare; Matt Brandt & Allison Wilson with NDX Keller
Topics for the evening include:
- Learn how each step in the digital workflow can save time for both dentists and patients
- Learn how various digital workflows can increase the profitability and predictability of implant dentistry
- Learn various options so that you can treat more dental implant patients
To Register:
RSVP with NDX Keller at 636.600.4200
SEMINAR: Fraud Checkup - What You Need to Know
October 17, 2019 at 5: 30 PM ET
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, October 17, 2019 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM ET Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM ET Presentation |
Where: | NDX Thayer 131 Old Schoolhouse Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 |
CE Credits: | 2 |
Cost: | FREE | Subject Code: | 550 |
Course Overview
The course will explore new and evolving threats in the fraud landscape. During this seminar, we will examine methods of proactive prevention, how to respond to suspected fraud and best practices for dental offices.
Learning Objectives
- To learn methods to protect the dental practice from various types of fraud
- To understand the key points from the ADA’s fraud publication
- To discuss real-life examples of fraud and its consequences

Lisa has nearly 30 years of experience at Boyer & Ritter, providing financial reporting, control, risk and process improvement for public and private sector entities. Lisa leads the firm’s Forensic, Litigation Support and Consulting Group and has extensive experience serving those in need of fraud and forensic accounting services. She has served as the lead investigator on white collar crime investigations, which to date has resulted in the discovery of over $6,000,000 of misappropriated assets.
Scott A. Koman, CPA, CFE, FCPA

Scott has experience working with for-profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations and governmental entities. He is a key member of the Forensic, Litigation Support and Consulting Group. Scott’s practice areas include: Forensic, Valuation, and Litigation services; as well as internal / external audits.
Mark W. Banks, CPA

Mark is a key member of the Forensic, Litigation Support and Consulting group. He assists on a wide variety of engagements to best use skills he gained from previous audit and accounting services experience. Prior to joining Boyer & Ritter, Mark worked as a staff auditor for a national accounting firm, where he assisted multinational clients in the manufacturing and retail industries.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
SEMINARS: 2019 Programs for Dentists, Hygienists & Dental Assistants
November 08, 2019 at 7: 30 AM ET
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Friday, November 8, 2019 | Time: | 7:30 - 8:00 AM ET | Registration 8:00 - 8:45 AM ET | Breakfast 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET | Lecture |
Where: | West Shore Country Club 100 Brentwater Road Camp Hill, PA 1701 |
CE Credits: | 3 for each course |
Cost: | FREE | Subject Code: | Varies - see below |
HOSTED BY: 3M & NDX Thayer
Dentist Program:
Clinical Skillsets with Prevention in Mind - A Synergistic Approach
CE Credits: 3 | Subject Code: 610
Course Overview
Understanding how prevention and clinical skills intertwine helps a dental practice be less dependent on insurance, and may help the practice be more profitable - both professionally and financially. Understanding forces affecting your future and how they will shape practice standards will be necessary to attract and retain patients in an evolving and competitive marketplace. Patient satisfaction and their long-term retention can be attained with a practice model that effectively combines clinical excellence with personalized patient care.
- Material overviews, selection, and application for composite and a wide range of zirconia applications
- Techniques and adjunctive aides for efficiency and predictability
- The business of dentistry tomorrow - what you should know and why
- Oral and total health wellness
Daniel J. Poticny, DDS

Dr. Poticny has a full-time practice in Dallas, TX with an emphasis on comprehensive restorative care for adolescents and adults, prevention and extended dental services. He has established himself as a leading Texas clinician being annually recognized by his peers as a “Texas Super Dentist,” and he has been listed in the “Best Dentists in Dallas.”
Hygienist Program:
Prevention - Oral Health for Life from Childhood to Eldercare
CE Credits: 3 | Subject Codes: 430 & 750
Course Overview
This course will focus on three distinct areas:
1) Educating parents on oral wellness for their child; 2) Successful management strategies for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, including the etiology and prevention of white spot lesions (WSL); 3) Oral care needed for the geriatric population and options that are available.
- To recognize the value of pediatric caries risk assessment, etiology, prevention strategies and treatment options
- To recognize the importance of motivational interviewing and behavior modification counseling before orthodontic treatment starts
- To identify caries risk before, during and after orthodontic treatment with a caries risk assessment
- To understand systemic & chronic diseases in the geriatric population that impact oral health & treatment options
Louann Goodnough, BSDH, MPNA

Louann Goodnough, BSDH, MPNA, is a proud dental hygiene graduate from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. Committed to the support of dental hygienists at all stages of their career and advancing the profession of dental hygiene, she has been an active leader since her time as a student. She has been an active member of her state association board of directors by participating in advocacy issues and providing mentoring and leadership development.
Dental Assistant Program:
Dental Restoratives - New Methods & Aesthetics
CE Credits: 3 | Subject Code: 610
Course Overview
This course will review the use of flowable/universal composites, warming methods and bonding from adhesives to cements.
- To discuss new methods and the trend in warming composites
- To review simplified aesthetics and current materials
- To understand the optimization of current types of dental composites
Tara Waldrop

Tara Waldrop has over 13 years of experience in the 3M™ Oral Care Solutions Division. As an Applications Engineer, Tara passionately represents the voice of the customer. Tara’s latest contribution to the Oral Care Solutions Division was in the launch of 3M Chairside Zirconia. Tara has experience in training and lecturing to dentists, group practices, and DSOs and enjoys sharing her in-depth product knowledge with dental professionals. Tara has a BS and is a co-inventor of two patents; one for the 3M True Definition Scanner and a second for curved-layer CAD/CAM blocks.
Please fill out the form below to register for your program of choice!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates each course for 3 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
All-Ceramic Crowns
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
As zirconia and lithium disilicate materials are utilized more and more, this presentation takes a closer look at both monolithic and layered materials as well as preparations, cementation and adjustments.
Learning Objectives
- To gain a better understanding of the importance of material selection
- To better understand monolithic vs layered material options
- To gain a better understanding of preps and cementation for all-ceramic restorations
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Implants 101: A Restorative Overview of Implant Dentistry
Lunch and Learn and Dental/Medical
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
This presentation discusses cement-retained vs screw-retained restorations; the pre-cementation die; options and concepts for impressioning; and seating abutments correctly. This is a presentation for all levels as it offers both basic know-how as well as tips and techniques.
Learning Objectives
- To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of cement- and screw-retained implant restorations
- To better understand various impressioning options
- To learn tips for seating the definitive restoration
Call 1-800-678-4140 to schedule your Lunch & Learn today!
Customer Portal Instructions
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Vertical Dimension Bite Registration Procedure
Document Library and Dental/Medical
SEMINAR: Implant Therapy for the Edentulous Patient
January 30, 2020 at 5: 30 PM ET
Implant Therapy for the Edentulous Patient:
A Review of the Latest Workflow and Treatment Options
Date: | Thursday, January 30, 2020 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM ET | Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM ET | Lecture |
Where: | NDX Thayer 131 Old Schoolhouse Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 |
CE Credits: | 2 to be awarded by Dentsply Sirona |
Cost: | FREE | Dinner Included |
HOSTED BY: Dentsply Sirona and NDX Thayer
Course Description:
Implant therapy in the edentulous or soon-to-be edentulous patient is an expanding segment of clinical practice. Thanks to advancements in technologies and techniques, dental professionals are now able to predictably increase function, form and aesthetics for this patient population.
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolving treatment options and planning concepts that help contribute to successful full arch treatment. Specific challenges with the edentulous population as well as clinical tips and pitfalls found in specific clinical situations will be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to understand:
- Various edentulous treatment options, including implant-assisted and implant-supported restorations
- How to identify the best treatment option based on individual patient needs and expectations
- The importance of diagnosis, communication and treatment planning
- The benefits of new edentulous treatment options including patient-specific friction-retained prostheses and screw-retained fixed hybrids on a minimum of 4 implants
Mr. Jimmy Stegall
Jimmy Stegall is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with over 39 years of field, teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 30+ year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy served as a division President of a large dental lab group and is now National Accounts Strategy Manager for Dentsply Sirona Implants and Prosthetic Groups.
Please fill out the form below to register!
or you can email her at
SEMINAR: New Technologies for Restoring Dental Implants
May 28, 2020 at 5: 30 PM ET
New Technologies for Restoring Dental Implants
Date: | Thursday, May 28, 2020 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM ET | Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM ET | Presentation |
Where: | NDX Thayer 131 Old Schoolhouse Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 |
CE Credits: | 2 |
Cost: | FREE | Dinner Included | Subject Code: | 690 |
HOSTED BY: Zimmer Biomet and NDX Thayer
Course Description:
This program will review recent advances in computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) related to implant dentistry. We will explore the possibilities that implants offer with a fully-digital approach, eliminating the need for traditional implant-level impressions while delivering an anatomically-precise restoration. We will also discuss the surgeon scanning model and how having the surgeon, dentist and laboratory all working together can offer the best and most simplified process for patients.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the benefits of custom abutments as compared to traditional stock abutments
- To understand alternative restorative options when taking a fully digital approach
- To understand the final restorative options for dental implants
Steve Kauffmann
Steve Kauffmann is a Digital Dentistry Sales Specialist for Zimmer Biomet Dental. He is a graduate from the United States Naval Academy and served in the US Navy for six and a half years. He has been in the dental field for six and a half years. During this time, he has focused specifically on the support of clinicians in the use of different dental technologies and protocols. These programs focus on full-arch rehabilitation, occlusion, implementing digital technologies and practice productivity.
Please fill out the form below to register!
For more information, please contact Max Doughty at 800.382.1240 or email her at

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Seminar: Immediately Loaded Full Arch Restorations with Guided Prosthetics
June 18, 2020 at 5: 30 PM ET
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/MedicalDate: | Thursday, June 18, 2020 | Time: | 5:30 - 6:00 PM EST | Registration 6:00 - 8:00 PM EST | Lecture |
Where: | NDX Thayer 131 Old Schoolhouse Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 |
CE Credits: | 2 |
Cost: | FREE Dinner Included |
Subject Code: | 690 |
HOSTED BY: NDX® nSequence® and NDX Thayer
Course Overview
The immediately loaded full arch restoration is one of the fastest growing segments in implant dentistry today. We will examine a guided immediate loading full arch procedure and the flexibility it brings to the same-day surgical and prosthetic phases.
- To compare traditional immediately loading procedures with guided surgery
- To discuss a guided surgery workflow and protocol
- To demonstrate how a prosthesis with an integrated reinforced bar compares to a converted denture
- To discuss the accuracy and precision of immediately loading full arch guided surgery
Mr. Jeff Carlson, CDT

Mr. Jeff Carlson, CDT, is an nSequence Implant Specialist at NDX nSequence Laboratory in Reno, NV. nSequence provides the only fully-guided surgical and fully-guided prosthetic system for full arch and full mouth reconstruction. Mr. Carlson has extensive experience in both the dental laboratory setting as well as working with dental implant manufacturers in the areas of education, technical and sales support. He has lectured both nationally and internationally, speaking about dental implants, and is the primary author of a 300-page, fully-illustrated “cook book” for restorative doctors.
Please fill out the form below to register!

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
National Dentex designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits.
National Dentex Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2017 to 9/30/2021 Provider ID# 211838 |
Treating Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic with an Interim Oral Appliance
Video Library and Dental/Medical
A Locator Life: A Patient’s Overdenture Journey with Cost-Alternative Overdenture Therapy
Video Library and Dental/Medical
What Everyone Ought to Know About Aesthetic, Single-Tooth Implant Restorations
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 780 | Course Prerequisites: Implant Dentistry Basics - Part 1 | Anterior Implant Restorations - Part 2
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Course Overview:
This program will focus on achieving aesthetic results for single-tooth implant restorations. Techniques for customized tissue platform, temporization and impressions – along with workflows for restorations using patient-specific abutments – will be presented to bring simplicity and reliability to the restorative process. Unique advancements in screw-retained restorations that provide enhanced efficiency to your existing workflow will be reviewed.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Discuss techniques and design of immediate and transitional temporaries
- Understand customization of implant-level impressions
- Integrate patient-specific abutments into any implant protocol
- Recognize the benefits of patient-specific, screw-retained solutions
Jimmy Stegall, MBA, CDT

Jimmy Stegall is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 43 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 35-year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona where he has provided more than 400 clinical and laboratory educational events. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of providing relaxed, informative, results oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Original release date: 10/25/22
Expiration Date: 10/25/25
Implant Therapy for the Edentulous Patient
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 690 | Course Prerequisites: Implant Dentistry Basics - Part 1 | Anterior Implant Restorations - Part 2
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Course Overview:
Implant therapy in the edentulous or soon-to-be edentulous patient is an expanding segment of clinical practice. Thanks to advancements in technologies and techniques, dental professionals are now able to predictably increase function, form and aesthetics for this patient population. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolving treatment options and planning concepts that help contribute to successful full arch treatment. Specific challenges with the edentulous population as well as clinical tips and pitfalls found in specific clinical situations will be discussed.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to understand:- Understand the importance of diagnosis, communication and treatment planning
- Recognize the benefits of new edentulous treatment options including patient-specific friction-retained prostheses and screw-retained fixed hybrids on a minimum of four implants
- Identify the best treatment option based on individual patient needs and expectations
- Simplify and increase the predictability of fixed and removable cases
Jimmy Stegall, MBA, CDT

Jimmy Stegall is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 43 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 35-year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona where he has provided more than 400 clinical and laboratory educational events. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of providing relaxed, informative, results oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 08/16/22
Expiration date: 08/16/25
New Technologies for Restoring Dental Implants
Video Library and Dental/Medical
Berlin Sleep Questionnaire
Document Library and Dental/Medical
NTI-tss Plus™ Lab Communication Protocol
Document Library and Dental/Medical
NTI-tss Plus™ RX
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Headache Screening Questionnaire
Document Library and Dental/Medical
NTI-tss Plus™ Adjusting Tips
Document Library and Dental/Medical
How to Retrofit a Restoration to a Pre-existing Partial Denture via IOS Scanning
Document Library and Dental/Medical
NTI-tss Plus™ Design Chart
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Scanning to Retrofit a Restoration to a Pre-existing Partial Denture Using an iTero® Scanner
Document Library and Dental/Medical
"Pump Up Your Practice" by Increasing Treatment Acceptance
Video Library and Dental/Practice Management
NDX Recommended Retraction Technique for Intraoral Scanning
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Stay at the Forefront of Dentistry With These Tips and Guides
Document Library and Dental/Medical
Take shades and photos with year-round, full-spectrum light
What we perceive as color depends on which wavelengths of visible light are reflected by a given material and how much of the visible light spectrum is emitted by the light source. When creating an optimal shade-taking environment, it is best to have a combination of natural and electric light. Natural light on a sunny day is best for shade-taking, but direct sunlight can be so intense that it overpowers our eyes. Also, on cloudy days or during winter, natural light can be inadequate to get the right shade. For the best year-round shade-taking environment, augment the natural light from the windows with color corrected electric light. Many bulbs are marketed as "daylight" bulbs, but critical shade-taking consideration is the bulb's Color Rendering Index (CRI). This refers to the percentage of the visible light spectrum emitted by the bulb. You will get the best shade-taking results with bulbs over 90 CRI. The higher the CRI, the better.
Be careful of operative lights, even color-corrected operative lights. They can sometimes be so intense that they “wash out” the details of the shade, and they can even make a tooth appear deceptively higher in value (lighter).
Take shades in a neutral shade environment
The light used for shade-taking comes from windows and bulbs and the room's surfaces. As such, it is good to use a room with neutral, light-colored walls. Also, a neutral gray or light blue patient bib will have less effect on shade perception. It is good practice to ask patients to remove lipstick to eliminate distracting colors when taking a shade.
Understand your patient’s shade expectations and share any challenges before shade-taking
Often, shade problems can occur when we do not clearly understand the patient’s shade expectations. For instance, we often match the contralateral tooth or teeth when restoring one or two anterior teeth. However, the patient may not want this, as it might accentuate teeth that they find less attractive. In those cases, it is often best to match a tooth or teeth in a way that will optimize the patient’s smile while explaining the potential shade asymmetries in such a plan. For smile design cases, we need to help the patient visualize the potential result of different shades. Patients may say, “You’re the expert,” but they often have a vision of their smile, and it’s in our best interest to understand that information.
Most people want their smile to look as light as possible, yet they often have slight variations in shade from one tooth to the next. Showing these details builds your shade-taking credibility and increases patient involvement in and acceptance of the proposed treatment. If patients are disappointed with the shade selected, this is a great opportunity to present cosmetic treatment options. If bleaching is chosen, be sure to allow some time after bleaching is complete before choosing the final shade for your restoration, even if the patient must wear a temporary restoration for an extended period.
Take shades before treatment, while teeth are still hydrated
Often, shades are selected at the end of treatment. However, the teeth are often dehydrated and a little lighter than normal by this time.The best time to take a shade is before treatment. One practical approach can be taking the shade at the time that a restorative patient is first seated. That way, the patient is rested, and the teeth are fully hydrated. Delegate patient seating to a staff member who perceives shade well to get consistently excellent shades.
Select tabs by value first
When we talk about color in dentistry, we talk about three components of color: hue, chroma and value. Hue is the name of the color, such as red or blue. Chroma is the intensity of that color. For instance, a pale pink and a brick red might be the same hue, but the brick red has much higher color saturation, so it is high in chroma.
Value is the brightness of the tooth. It is how light or dark a tooth would be if you took a black and white picture of the tooth. Our eyes are three times as sensitive to value as they are to hue/chroma. It is paramount that we select shade tabs with value in mind first because value errors are most notable. Often, when crowns look “fake,” it is a pronounced mismatch in value with the surrounding teeth.
Make sure the teeth are clearly in focus
The most important step in getting good shade results from your laboratory is taking good photos. Once you have selected a couple of shade tabs close to the patient’s shade, it is time to take some pictures. Ensure that the patient is seated in a position that allows for adequate light and that lip retraction is used to prevent undue shadowing.
To ensure that your photo shows what you are seeing in the operatory, set the shade tab with its incisal edge aligned with the incisal edge of the tooth to be matched. Then, be sure that shade tab's facial surface and the tooth are in the same plane. If the tab is labial to the tooth, it can appear too bright, and it can seem too dark if it is lingual to the tooth.
If you have a camera with a macro lens, you can often get very close to the tooth and get a good focus. However, many camera phones must be a little further away from the patient to get great focus. Getting the right focus is more important than very close proximity to the tooth when taking photos since the resolution of a modern digital photo will usually allow for digital enlargement. It’s important to retain higher resolution through minimal file compression when sending photos if digital zoom (enlarging the picture) is necessary.
Take photos from several angles to prevent flashback
When taking several shade photos, it’s best to change the angle at which the tooth is being photographed. If the camera uses a flash, this will help to avoid having bright spots. Also, since teeth often have features under the enamel’s surface that need to be matched, those features are sometimes only visible from certain angles. Please also provide a full smile photo to show gingival/incisal length and overall tooth arrangement.
Send several photos, indicating which ones most closely match the clinical situation
Once all the photos are taken, review them, and determine which ones most closely match the clinical situation. Send several photos, but note which one is closest to what you see clinically. Pay special attention to value and translucency when evaluating photos, as these can be very difficult to capture. It can be convenient to rename the pictures with the information you need to convey, such as “best #8."
Validate photos with the patient to ensure customer satisfaction
Once you are done with the photographs, review what you are sending to the lab with the patient. This can have several benefits:
- It is an opportunity to ensure a complete understanding of the patient’s shade expectations.
- The pictures become a tool to share your shade and restorative plan with the patient and get his/her consent.
- The patient can look at his/her dental situation and discuss any additional treatment that might be wanted or needed with you.
Following these shade-taking steps will give your lab the information needed to get predictable shade results for your patients. Your lab can also be a great partner in selecting restorative materials that achieve the best cosmetic and functional result, based upon your photos. If you follow these steps, your patient will often get a great shade result without the inconvenience of an additional appointment for a laboratory custom shade.
Effective Shade Taking & Communication
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 780 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Course Overview:
This program will review the latest in shade taking and shade matching technologies, products and techniques. From high-tech computerized shade-taking devices to an extraordinarily simple yet effective lab shade communication tool, numerous options will be presented, which will offer you immediate and usable support in restoration shade matching.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:- Value the importance of light
- Utilize a simple, predictable and easy-to-replicate shade-taking method
- Understand current technology and shade communication
- Use photography for communication and color match
Please Note: the login-in link is unique to your personal registration details.
Jimmy Stegall, Procedural Solutions Specialist, Dentsply Sirona

MR. JIMMY STEGALL is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 40 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists,universities and manufacturers. After a successful 30+ year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy served as a division president of a large dental lab network, and he is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of bringing results-oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 09/20/22
Expiration Date: 09/20/2025
Ceramic Restorations from Start to Finish: Making Predictable Happen
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
It's important to understand what an aesthetic smile is before you can create one. There are a number of variables that must be mastered and implemented in order to achieve an aesthetic result. This course will provide attendees with the foundation necessary to objectively evaluate dental aesthetics and immediately apply these principles to daily practice.
Conventional vs. Digitally-guided Full Arch Rehabilitation
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 690 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
Clinicians have been treating edentulous patients or patients with failing dentition with immediate full arch rehabilitation since Paulo Malo innovated the procedure in 1998. As the procedure has evolved, new methods to treatment plan guided surgery and guided restorations have become more prevalent among clinicians performing these cases. This course will outline the surgery, immediate temporization and definitive restoration for both conventional and guided immediate full arch rehabilitation. It will also be comparing and contrasting the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of both workflows.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to understand:- Compare the differences between analog and digital workflows for full arch rehabilitation
- Understand the differences between treatment planning analog and digital workflows
- Determine the advantages and disadvantages of both workflows for full arch rehabilitation
- Determine the limitations of both conventional and digital workflows
- Identify the patient records that are needed for both workflows
- Summarize the steps for a conventional full arch rehabilitation surgery through the delivery of the immediate long term provisional
- Detail the steps of a full arch guided prosthetics workflow on the day of surgery through delivery of a long term provisional
Jeff Carlson, CDT, Senior nSequence Implant Specialist

Mr. Jeff Carlson, CDT, is an nSequence Implant Specialist at the NDX nSequence Laboratory in Reno, NV. NDX nSequence provides the only fully-guided surgical and fully-guided prosthetic system for full arch and full mouth reconstruction. Mr. Carlson has extensive experience in both the dental laboratory setting as well as working with dental implant manufacturers in the areas of education, technical and sales support. He has lectured both nationally and internationally, speaking about dental implants, and is the primary author of a 300-page, fully-illustrated “cook book” for restorative doctors.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.
{^widget|(path)%2fWidgets%2fCE-Approved-Provider|(name)pageplaceholder|(container)SectionW_Class|(containercssclass)intro-section|(widget_displayname)Page+placeholder|(width)|(height)^}Best Practices for Record Taking for Digital Full Arch Rehabilitation
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 690 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
Treatment planning full arch rehabilitation for patients with failing dentition or fully edentulous patients is a complex process. Guided surgery software and digital dentistry have made this process easier than before. While many of the same traditional concepts remain, these concepts must be digitized in order to achieve a predictable result for the patient. In this program, participants will learn about the four records required to treatment plan a full arch rehabilitation case and the best practices for taking them.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to understand:- Understand which records are required for a digitally-guided, full arch case and how to submit those records
- Understand the standards to evaluate, and the procedures to capture, CBCT, IOS and physical impression records
- Understand which photos are necessary, and how to evaluate and capture the correct jaw relationship
Jeff Carlson, CDT, Senior nSequence Implant Specialist

Mr. Carlson has more than 40 years of dental experience, with almost 30 years focused on dental implants. Jeff is the primary author of a 300 page, fully illustrated “cook book” created for restorative dentists and he is the co-author of a corresponding auxiliary manual. Jeff co-developed a restorative base training program that more than 9,000 dental professionals have attended nationally and internationally.
As the Senior Implant Specialist for NDX nSequence, Jeff provides technical chairside support and lectures across the country on immediate loading full arch restorations, nSequence Guided Prosthetics and the latest advancements in implant technology.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 01/24/2023
Expiration date: 01/24/2026
In-depth Guided Prosthetics: Surgical and Restorative Guidance for Full Arch Rehabilitation
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 690 | Course Prerequisites: Conventional vs. Digitally-guided Full Arch Rehabilitation | Best Practices for Record Taking for Digital Full Arch Rehabilitation | What to do when a Guided Prosthetics® Kit Arrives and Dry Model Surgery
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
As technology has evolved throughout the years for treating patients who are either edentulous or who have failing dentition, immediate full arch rehabilitation has become more predictable and less cumbersome than when Paulo Malo first developed the procedure in 1998. Guided implant surgery is now widely used by clinicians treating edentulous patients. Since then, innovative dental labs have been using software and technology to guide prosthetics and restorations for full arch patients. This course will detail the treatment planning process, the surgery, the immediate temporization and the definitive restoration of an immediate full arch rehabilitation case with both guided surgery and Guided Prosthetics.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, participants should be able to understand:- Measure the advantages of guided surgery and Guided Prosthetics for immediate full arch rehabilitation
- Identify the four records that are required to treatment plan a digitally-guided, immediate full arch case
- Recognize the parts and pieces used to guide the surgery, pick up the immediate long term provisional and restore the definitive prosthesis
- Summarize the steps for bone reduction and guided placement of dental implants
- Summarize the steps for immediate temporization of the long term provisional
- Summarize the steps for restoration of the definitive prosthesis
- Identify the materials needed for surgery, the immediate long term provisional and the definitive restoration
Jeff Carlson, CDT, Senior nSequence Implant Specialist

Mr. Jeff Carlson, CDT, is an nSequence Implant Specialist at the NDX nSequence Laboratory in Reno, NV. NDX nSequence provides the only fully-guided surgical and fully-guided prosthetic system for full arch and full mouth reconstruction. Mr. Carlson has extensive experience in both the dental laboratory setting as well as working with dental implant manufacturers in the areas of education, technical and sales support. He has lectured both nationally and internationally, speaking about dental implants, and is the primary author of a 300-page, fully-illustrated “cook book” for restorative doctors.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.
{^widget|(path)%2fWidgets%2fCE-Approved-Provider|(container)SectionW_Class|(name)pageplaceholder|(containercssclass)intro-section|(widget_displayname)Page+placeholder|(width)|(height)^}Human Resource Management in Dentistry
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD Subject Code: 550 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
As a dentist, your most valuable assets are the people who you work with daily to help deliver quality experiences to your patients. When necessary, it is important to hire carefully and terminate appropriately. Doing either incorrectly can cost your practice a lot of valuable time and resources. Start on the right foot and build an HR infrastructure that is sustainable even during challenging times.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- How to hire carefully
- The importance of feedback, motivation and leadership for team development
- How to terminate when necessary, but do it the right way
SANDIE BAILLARGEON, Business Analyst / Dental Practice Management Advisor

Sandie is a leading authority on how to increase the effectiveness of dental business systems. Ms. Baillargeon is author of three textbooks: Dental Office Administration, first and second edition, published by Top Hat Publishers and The Canadian Dental Office Administrator, published by Nelson Canada.
She created the first Certificate Course in Dental Practice Management at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. Sandie has lectured at dental faculties across North America and has had articles published in many journals including the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, Oral Health, Spectrum Teamwork, Just for Canadian Dentists and many other publications.
As owner/operator of Dental Office Consulting Services, Sandie specializes in dental practice management consulting, hiring, coaching and training dental teams, implementation of in office programs, dental business and operational plans.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 2/14/2022
Expiration Date: 2/14/2024
Excellence in Full Denture Technology
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD Subject Code: 670 | Course Prerequisites: Back to Basics in Denture Technology
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 2 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
This presentation will cover how to successfully plan for a full denture procedure, leading to less chair time and more patient acceptance. The content is a must for the dentist who wants to increase removable caseloads that yield higher profits, cases with improved aesthetics and less chair time. The presentation will include comprehensive and proven methods on full denture technology.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- Case Planning
- Proper Workflow and Protocol
- Preliminary Denture Impression Taking
- Final Impression with Custom Tray
- Full Denture Bite Registration and Occlusal Records - Getting the Correct Information
- Anatomical Landmarks to Follow
- Tooth Selection
- Wax Set-up for Try-In
- Final Insertion
- Patient Follow up
- Problem Solving
- Occlusal Schemes
- Materials Science
- Digital Technology
Dennis Urban, CDT

Dennis Urban, CDT brings 40+ years of dental technology field experience including lab management, technical training, sales and marketing, product development, and quality assurance. In addition to being a seasoned dental lab manager, Dennis has been an eminent lecturer worldwide since 1985. His lectures and courses span many areas of dental technology, including denture set-ups, digital technology, denture processing, lab management, implant overdentures and bar design protocol, all-on-4 and -6 case planning and chairside conversions, shade communication, occlusion and soft liners. His technical articles have been published in publications across the US, Canada and Europe. Dennis Urban has been President of both the Long Island Dental Laboratory Association and the Dental Laboratory Association of the State of New York. He has served as a Cal Lab Board Member, is the current Board President on the National Board of Certification, and serves on the Advisory Board for IDT magazine.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 1/25/2022
Expiration Date: 4/12/2025
Treatment Planning for the Edentulous Arch
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD Subject Code: 674 | Course Prerequisites: None
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
A didactic overview of the theory and criteria necessary for a dental team to decide when to restore an edentulous
arch with a fixed detachable, overdenture bar or overdenture stud prosthesis.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- Collect the information needed for treatment planning, such as smile line, dexterity and more
- Discover when and why fixed detachable, fixed removable, overdenture bars and overdenture studs are indicated and contraindicated
- Communicate with patients and educate them on the benefits of different restorative options

Chris graduated with an Accounting Degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. He then attended the Dental Laboratory Technology Program at City College of San Francisco. Over the years, Chris has completed the Ticonium and the Bego Partial Denture Programs and received his ICOI Mastership in Dental Technology. Mr. Bormes authored the PREAT Corporation technical manual, invented six attachments, and he is a candidate for CDT in Complete Dentures. Recognized as an attachment and Implantology expert, Chris has lectured nationally and internationally.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 8/30/2022
Expiration Date: 8/30/2025
Back to Basics in Denture Technology
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD Subject Code: 670 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
This presentation will cover the basics of successful full denture procedures and is a must for the dentist who wants to increase removable caseloads with higher profits, better aesthetics and less chair time. The presentation will include comprehensive, proven successful techniques on high end full dentures.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- Wax set-up for try-in-occlusion concerns
- Lingualized occlusion
- Physiological centric occlusion
- Patient follow-up
- Case planning
- Preliminary full denture impression
- Full denture final impression with custom tray
- Problem solving
- Anatomical landmark concerns
- Full denture bite registration and occlusal records - obtaining the correct information
- Tooth selection
- Final insertion
- Materials Science
Dennis Urban, CDT

Dennis Urban, CDT brings 40+ years of dental technology field experience including lab management, technical training, sales and marketing, product development, and quality assurance. In addition to being a seasoned dental lab manager, Dennis has been an eminent lecturer worldwide since 1985. His lectures and courses span many areas of dental technology, including denture set-ups, digital technology, denture processing, lab management, implant overdentures and bar design protocol, all-on-4 and -6 case planning and chairside conversions, shade communication, occlusion and soft liners. His technical articles have been published in publications across the US, Canada and Europe. Dennis Urban has been President of both the Long Island Dental Laboratory Association and the Dental Laboratory Association of the State of New York. He has served as a Cal Lab Board Member, is the current Board President on the National Board of Certification, and serves on the Advisory Board for IDT magazine.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 1/27/2022
Expiration Date: 1/27/2025
Maximizing Sleep Apnea Appliance Outcomes
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD Subject Code: 160 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
A didactic overview of the theory and criteria necessary for a dental team to decide when to restore an edentulous
arch with a fixed detachable, overdenture bar or overdenture stud prosthesis.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- Review oral appliance efficacy and adherence for optimal patient outcomes
- Understand the mean disease alleviation concept: Oral appliances vs. CPAP
- Maximize oral appliance outcomes through professional collaborations and various adjunctive therapies

Obtained his credentials from the University of Toronto in 1983. His clinic is limited to managing sleep disordered breathing and bruxism. He is a Credentialed Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and has lectured internationally, conducted original research, and authored original articles on the management of sleep-disordered breathing. His clinic was the first Canadian facility accredited by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, and he is Clinical Director of the Sleep Disorders Dentistry Research and Learning Centre.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 9/08/2022
Expiration Date: 9/08/2025
iTero Digital Workflow for Partially and Fully Edentulous Scanning
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 010 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
Scanning partially and fully edentulous patients has evolved quickly throughout this last year, and we are excited to update you on workflows and key elements to effectively communicate with the dental laboratory. Learn how to develop your own prescription and specific instructions for your digital cases.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- Review the types of partially and fully edentulous cases
- Analyze the anatomy of edentulous spaces and determine the scanning strategy
- Capture necessary anatomical landmarks
- Assess post-processed scans of anatomy and prepare final notes for the lab

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been pro-fessionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

Brittany is a Registered Dental Hygienist and an experienced intraoral scanner trainer, having trained hundreds of dental professionals throughout the West Coast. Brittany has a passion for training and education; her ultimate goals are to share effective scanning practices, promote patient education and to create success for every dental team member. Brittany resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 07/12/22
Expiration Date: 07/12/25
Fully Guided Full Arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 690 | Course Prerequisites: Conventional vs. Digitally-guided Full Arch Rehabilitation | Best Practices For Record Taking For Digital Full Arch Rehabilitation | In-Depth Guided Prosthetics: Surgical And Restorative Guidance For Full Arch Rehabilitation
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Course Overview:
This clinically based webinar will focus on the integration of restorative, surgical and laboratory disciplines, combined with digital and analog technology, to provide a seamless approach for fully guided full arch and full mouth immediate implant reconstruction for the terminal dentition and edentulous patient. This protocol includes placement of a prefabricated computer guided monolithic acrylic milled prosthesis for both edentulous and dentate arches.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, attendees should be able to:- Understand the indications and protocol for fully guided full arch and full mouth immediate placement with a prefabricated milled monolithic acrylic provisional.
- Compare the advantages of this protocol as compared to the conventional conversion denture protocol for full arch and full mouth implant reconstruction.
- Understand the limitations of this fully guided surgical and prosthetic protocol for full arch immediate implant reconstruction.

DR. MICHAEL PIKOS is an oral & maxillofacial surgeon and the founder of the Pikos Institute where he has been teaching a continuum of Bone and Soft Tissue Grafting along with CT technology since 1991. A graduate of The Ohio State University and College of Dentistry, he is a well published author who has lectured extensively on implant surgical reconstruction around the world. In addition to his numerous professional organization memberships and university faculty appointments, Dr. Pikos maintains a private practice in Palm Harbor, Florida that is limited exclusively to implant surgical reconstruction.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 11/01/22
Expiration Date: 11/01/25
A Second Chance to Make a Good First Impression
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code: 250 | Course Prerequisites: N/A
Cost: Complimentary | Course Refund Policy: N/A
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below.
To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Webinar Overview:
The importance of providing accurate impressions is the foundation to a successful clinical result. This program will review the most current materials and procedures to create the ideal impressions for restorations, as well as the latest in traditional impression materials and methods, including tissue management, retraction, tray selection, impression material types and when to use them, what the lab should know, temporization, and evaluation/troubleshooting of impressions.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, attendees should learn:- Recognize which impression materials have proven to be accurate and predictable
- Employ dual-arch trays in everyday use with success
- Learn a retraction technique that results in consistent clear margins
- Evaluate impression material and understand what should not be used in certain clinical cases
- Describe when and why they would want to add digital impression technology to their practice
Jimmy Stegall, MBA, CDT

Jimmy Stegall is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 43 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 35-year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona where he has provided more than 400 clinical and laboratory educational events. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of providing relaxed, informative, resultsoriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 03/02/23
Implant Supported and Retained Overdenture Bars
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Subject Code : 670 | Course Prerequisites: None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will cover the how, where, when and why an overdenture bar is chosen as a treatment option for the patient. Treatment options covered will be tissue and abutment supported overdenture bars, as well as direct, indirect and offset retention options.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Successfully restore implant supported prostheses
- Learn how to select attachments based on patient parameters
- Use attachments and clinical/laboratory procedures to restore 2-8 implants using overdentures
- Recognize common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Chris graduated with an Accounting Degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. He then attended the Dental Laboratory Technology Program at City College of San Francisco. Over the years, Chris has completed the Ticonium and the Bego Partial Denture Programs and received his ICOI Mastership in Dental Technology. Mr. Bormes authored the PREAT Corporation technical manual, invented six attachments, and he is a candidate for CDT in Complete Dentures. Recognized as an attachment and Implantology expert, Chris has lectured nationally and internationally.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Expiration date: 1/5/2026
Five Things You Should Know for Single Tooth Implant Success
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD Subject Code : 690 | Course Prerequisites: None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This program will focus on the way to achieve the best results for single tooth implant restorations. Techniques for customized tissue platform, temporization, and impressions – along with workflows for restorations using patient-specific abutments will be presented with a goal of bringing simplicity and reliability to the restorative process. The advantages of providing an anatomically correct abutment earlier in the healing cycle will also be discussed, along with unique advancements in screw retained restorations that can provide enhanced efficiency to your existing workflow.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Discuss techniques and the design of immediate and transitional temporaries
- Understand customization of implant-level impressions
- Integrate patient-specific abutments into any implant protocol
- Learn an easy and innovative way to restore implants via a CAD/CAM custom abutment system
- Recognize the advantages of patient-specific, screw-retained solutions

Jimmy Stegall is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 43 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 35-year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona where he has provided more than 400 clinical and laboratory educational events. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of providing relaxed, informative, results oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Original release date: 4/26/2023
Expiration date: 4/26/2026
Next Level Dentures - In 3 Appointments!
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD code: 670
Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This program will review denture fabrication methods and illustrate which techniques have changed. The latest in 3D-printing processes and materials will be highlighted, demonstrating their strength, accuracy and aesthetics. Additionally, this course will review clinical guidelines that make chairside steps easier to accomplish.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand what is needed for successful clinical records and denture impressions
- Employ a systematic approach to 3-appointment digital dentures
- Understand the latest advancements in 3D-printed materials and CAD/CAM technologies
- Appreciate functional try-ins and apply clinical tips for a less stressful experience and optimal results

MR. JIMMY STEGALL is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 40 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 30+ year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy served as a division president of a large dental lab network, and he is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of bringing results-oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 2/14/22
Expiration date: 12/14/25
Introduction to the iTero Element: Back to Basics
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course is for first time iTero Element users. The course will cover everything from turning the system on, through a scan path and submitting a single unit crown case.
Learning Objectives
- Foundations for isolation and gingival tissue management
- Restorative scanning basics
- Charting for a single crown

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College.She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

Brittany is a Registered Dental Hygienist with clinical experience working within the areas of Periodontics, Pedodontics and General Dentistry. She joins us with an intraoral scanner training background, having collaborated with colleagues at Align Technology to target and train DSOs and private dental practices. Brittany has a passion for training and education; the ultimate goal being to create success for every dental team member. Brittany resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 05/16/23
Expiration date: 05/16/26
Treatment Planning and Materials Selection for Tooth-borne Cases
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will cover comprehensive treatment planning for large tooth-borne cases. We will discuss patient communication strategies, multidisciplinary treatment planning, restorative staging and provisionalization. We will also discuss restorative material selection for tooth-borne restorations.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Provide clear communication to patients before and during treatment planning
- Implement a repeatable methodology for predictably planning and restoring large, tooth-borne cases
- Deploy a multidisciplinary team for treatment planning and execution
- Use principles for selecting the best restorative materials for a given patient

Tramain Watkins, CDT, has been working in the dental laboratory industry for more than 30 years. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College in Issaquah, WA as class valedictorian, he has gained extensive experience in all aspects of fixed and removable restorations, with an emphasis on implant supported and retained restorations. He also has provided clinical support for case planning, troubleshooting, and implant placement. He has trained other technicians in all aspects of dental technology and has written and lectured on several aspects of restorative dentistry.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 05/11/23
Expiration date: 05/11/26
Conventional vs. Digitally-guided Full Arch Rehabilitation
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Clinicians have been treating edentulous patients or patients with failing dentition with immediate full arch rehabilitation since Paulo Malo innovated the All-on-4® in 1998. As the procedure has evolved, new methods to treatment plan guided surgery and guided restorations have become more prevalent among clinicians performing these cases. This course will outline the surgery, immediate temporization and definitive restoration for both conventional and guided immediate full arch rehabilitation. It will also compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of both workflows.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Identify the patient records that are needed for both workflows
- Understand, in detail, the surgical and restorative procedures followed during surgery
- Understand the use of the second Long Term Provisional in capturing records for the definitive restoration.
- Understand the prosthetic options for definitive restorations

Mr. Carlson has more than 40 years of dental experience, with almost 30 years focused on dental implants. Jeff is the primary author of a 300 page, fully illustrated “cook book” created for restorative dentists and he is the co-author of a corresponding auxiliary manual. Jeff co-developed a restorative base training program that more than 9,000 dental professionals have attended nationally and internationally.
As the Senior Implant Specialist for NDX nSequence, Jeff provides technical chairside support and lectures across the country on immediate loading full arch restorations, nSequence Guided Prosthetics and the latest advancements in implant technology.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 06/01/23
Expiration date: 06/01/26
The Digital Arch – Simplify, Streamline and Scale
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1.5 CE's Each credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This webinar will provide a simplified, streamlined and scaled approach to the digital arch. Participants will learn strategies for efficient full arch production, technology and growth.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand All-on-X procedures and concepts
- Comprehend the interim prosthetic delivery and clinical application
- Diagnose a patient workup and surgery with proof of concepts and continual improvements through case studies

DR. TIMOTHY SURBER, DDS is a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon with extensive training in Dentoalveolar, Implant and Orthognathic surgery, comprehensive facial trauma and head and neck reconstructive surgery. Dr. Surber focuses on advancing real-time digital workflows and being a pioneer for full arch implant surgery conversions and protocols.

DR. MICHAEL DRONE, DDS earned both his Doctor of Dental Surgery and specialty degrees in Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics from the Indiana University of Dentistry. As a prosthodontist, Dr. Drone practices a full scope of prosthodontic procedures with expertise ranging from dental implants, cosmetic/ aesthetic dentistry and dentures to restorative dentistry.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 05/18/23
Expiration date: 05/18/26
Implant Supported Overdenture Attachments
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 674 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will cover the how, where, when and why an overdenture stud is chosen for the patient. Treatment options covered will be Overdenture Attachments, such as RT-x, Clix, Locator, O-Rings and Magnets.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Successfully restore implant supported prostheses
- Learn how to select attachments based on patient parameters
- Use attachments and clinical/laboratory procedures to restore 2-8 implants using overdentures
- Recognize common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Chris graduated with an Accounting Degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. He then attended the Dental Laboratory Technology Program at City College of San Francisco. Over the years, Chris has completed the Ticonium and the Bego Partial Denture Programs and received his ICOI Mastership in Dental Technology. Mr. Bormes authored the PREAT Corporation technical manual, invented six attachments, and he is a candidate for CDT in Complete Dentures. Recognized as an attachment and Implantology expert, Chris has lectured nationally and internationally.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 06/08/23
Expiration date: 06/08/26
The Circle of Digital Dentistry: Acquisition, Fabrication & Insertion
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Technology is quickly transforming the world around us, including the field of dentistry. Changes abound in the way prosthetic procedures are performed in the operatory and in the dental laboratory. One of the more fascinating technological advances in dentistry is the use of both digital impressions and the digital laboratory workflow. This course discusses how the digital workflow increases accuracy, provides a quicker turnaround time and reduces remakes.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand the five reasons to take digital impressions
- Employ scanning best practices
- Deploy the reference denture clinical workflow
Director of Intraoral Technology

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 03/20/23
Expiration date: 03/10/26
In-depth Surgical and Restorative Guidance for Full Arch Rehabilitation
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 2 CE credits by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
As technology has evolved throughout the years for treating patients who are either edentulous or who have failing dentition, immediate full arch rehabilitation has become more predictable and less cumbersome than when Paulo Malo first developed the procedure in 1998.
Guided implant surgery is now widely used by clinicians treating edentulous patients. Innovative dental labs are now using software and technology to guide prosthetics and restorations for full arch patients.
This course will detail the treatment planning process, the surgery, the immediate temporization and the definitive restoration of an immediate full arch rehabilitation case with both guided surgery and proceduralized restorative prosthetics.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Review conventional and guided All-on-X procedures and understand the difference
- Understand the common restorative steps necessary, including records capture, laboratory procedures and day of surgery workflows
- Understand the workflow for the definitive prosthesis and the different options available for the definitive prosthesis

Mr. Carlson has more than 40 years of dental experience, with almost 30 years focused on dental implants. Jeff is the primary author of a 300 page, fully illustrated “cook book” created for restorative dentists and he is the co-author of a corresponding auxiliary manual. Jeff co-developed a restorative base training program that more than 9,000 dental professionals have attended nationally and internationally.
As the Senior Implant Specialist for NDX nSequence, Jeff provides technical chairside support and lectures across the country on immediate loading full arch restorations, nSequence Guided Prosthetics and the latest advancements in implant technology.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.
National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 06/27/23
Expiration date: 06/27/26
iTero Element: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will address questions you may have after your initial scanning experiences and provide tips for successful integration.
Learning Objectives
- Charting and scanning for a bridge
- Tips for scanning speed and efficiency
- Corrective action tools

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

Brittany is a Registered Dental Hygienist with clinical experience working within the areas of Periodontics, Pedodontics and General Dentistry. She joins us with an intraoral scanner training background, having collaborated with colleagues at Align Technology to target and train DSOs and private dental practices. Brittany has a passion for training and education; the ultimate goal being to create success for every dental team member. Brittany resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 06/20/23
Expiration date: 06/20/26
Using Encoded Technology to Improve Aesthetics and Case Management
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
When taking a digital impression, each implant scan body requires a specific technique. Confirming it is properly seated lays the foundation for the entire case. The challenge is how to create a better environment for the aesthetic solution and meet the patient’s expectations. The Encode Healing Abutment allows for implant coverage, tissue contouring and a method to take a clear digital impression. This course will cover a high- level workflow helping to lead to better aesthetic results that could save a doctor time and money.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Implement an effective workflow using digital scanning impression techniques
- Learn how to improve an implant restorative case with reduced crestal bone loss and reduced soft tissue recession
- Empower the practice to produce efficient and aesthetic results

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

Tiffany Schreppler is the North American Product Manager for the digital portfolio at ZimVie Dental. She embraces lab workflows, full arch restoration solutions and increasing practice productivity through technology support. Tiffany loves the direction dentistry is headed and enjoys helping to educate on how digital dentistry can benefit all dental practices.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 07/13/23
Expiration date: 07/13/26
iTero Element: Advancing Your Knowledge Base
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will address challenges you may experience, adoption, scan evaluation and correction.
Learning Objectives
- Tips for evaluating/confirming an accurate bite registration
- Rescanning for an incorrect bite
- How to utilize the die separation tool
- Implant scan body scanning

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

Brittany is a Registered Dental Hygienist with clinical experience working within the areas of Periodontics, Pedodontics and General Dentistry. She joins us with an intraoral scanner training background, having collaborated with colleagues at Align Technology to target and train DSOs and private dental practices. Brittany has a passion for training and education; the ultimate goal being to create success for every dental team member. Brittany resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 07/08/23
Expiration date: 07/18/26
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Prosthetically-driven, Guided Implant Placement and Restoration
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after.
A digital workflow can create a prosthetically-driven dental implant restoration and help to achieve an ideal implant and definitive restoration. The goal is to obtain a position that can provide optimal aesthetic and occlusal relationships. This course will teach attendees how to properly capture intraoral scans of edentulous areas and CBCT images, and merge those images together to develop a prosthetically-driven plan for implant placement. Additionally, simple socket grafting techniques will be reviewed.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand the concept of surgically-guided implant placement
- Identify the criteria needed to capture CBCT and intraoral scans
- Develop a plan for prosthetically-driven implant restorations
- Administer single-implant sites

DOMENIC D’AMICO, DMD graduated from Boston College with a BS in Biology and received his DMD degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. D’Amico is an adjunct instructor and lectures on CAD/CAM dentistry. He lectures on digital dentistry, 3D planning, restoration and placement of dental implants. Dr. D’Amico started a private practice in his hometown, Watertown, MA, where his interest in digital dentistry led to the integration of digital design, manufacturing technology, CBCT imaging and guided implant placement. Dr. D’Amico grew his expertise by adding 3D printing technology, and his practice has now completely embraced digital workflows.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 06/20/23
Expiration date: 07/20/26
Using Digital To Grow Your Practice - Part 1: Overview of Technology, Orthodontics and Crown & Bridge
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Today’s patients are more tech-savvy and expect dental practices to provide precision care that is faster, more comfortable and uses the latest in technology. This program will review all that a intraoral scanner (IOS) can provide for your practice and how IOS workflows can improve your production, profits and enhance case management.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand current available digital intraoral technologies
- Utilize IOS technology to provide specific workflows to patients
- Implement technology to benefit treatment planning

MR. JIMMY STEGALL is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 40 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 30+ year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy served as a division president of a large dental lab network, and he is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of bringing results-oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 07/25/23
Expiration date: 07/25/26
Using Digital To Grow Your Practice - Part 2: Application - Removables & Lab Communication
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites: Using Digital To Grow Your Practice - Part 1: Overview Of Technology, Orthodontics And Crown & Bridge
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Today’s patients are more tech-savvy and expect dental practices to provide precision care that is faster, more comfortable and uses the latest in technology. This program will review all that a intraoral scanner (IOS) can provide for your practice and how IOS workflows can improve your production, profits and enhance case management.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand current available digital intraoral technologies
- Utilize IOS technology to provide specific workflows to patients
- Implement technology to benefit treatment planning

MR. JIMMY STEGALL is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 40 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 30+ year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy served as a division president of a large dental lab network, and he is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of bringing results-oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 08/08/23
Expiration date: 08/08/26
Using Digital to Grow Your Practice
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Today’s patients are more tech-savvy and expect dental practices to provide precision care that is faster, more comfortable and that uses the latest in technology. This program will review all that a digital intraoral scanner (IOS) can provide for your practice, and how IOS workflows can dramatically improve your production, profits and enhance case management.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand current available digital intraoral technologies
- Utilize IOS technology to provide specific workflows to patients
- Implement technology to benefit treatment planning

MR. JIMMY STEGALL is a seasoned dental lab operations and management executive with more than 40 years of teaching and clinical experience in the US and Canada. He is a published author and has assisted in research projects with dentists, universities and manufacturers. After a successful 30+ year career helping to build and lead a large dental lab in South Carolina, Jimmy served as a division president of a large dental lab network, and he is now a National Procedural Solutions Specialist for Dentsply Sirona. As a key opinion leader, teacher and trainer, Jimmy has a demonstrated history of bringing results-oriented strategies and techniques to dental practices and labs throughout the US.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 08/22/23
Expiration date: 07/25/26
Part 1: Leverage Technology - How to Leverage Technology to Increase Production, Quality and Growth
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 550 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
It is common knowledge that new game-changing dental technologies, as well as proven underutilized tools, are key aspects to growing a modern dental practice. Attendees of this course will learn the three stages of technology adoption, coupled with the crucial skills necessary to quickly assess whether a solution is right for an office. This course will also cover how to maximize your office’s technological potential together with how to communicate those benefits.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Learn about the three levels of dental technology and how to tell when the time is right for implementation
- Learn how to translate technological investments to both patients and staff
- Understand how to leverage key web technologies to increase a practice’s new patient levels and decrease account receivables
- Learn how to transform the information contained in a practice’s software into insights that help the office staff manage themselves
Dr. Bryan Laskin

Using 20 years of experience providing dental care to anxious patients, Dr. Bryan Laskin’s passion is to reduce stress for the dental industry through innovation, education and standardization. Through his multiple businesses: Upgrade Dental, Digital Nitrous, OperaDDS and toothapps, and being the author of the book, The Patient First Manifesto, Dr. Laskin excels at integrating technology and teamwork into practices. He plays an active role at several progressive dental organizations, and he serves as counsel to leading dental companies. Through participation at the Dental Standards Institute’s groundbreaking workgroups, Dr. Laskin is giving patients a voice as well as creating important guidelines for emerging technologies.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 8/29/2023
Expiration date: 8/29/2026
Part 2: Increase Production - How to Leverage Technology to Increase Production, Quality and Growth
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 550 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
It is common knowledge that new game-changing dental technologies, as well as proven underutilized tools, are key aspects to growing a modern dental practice. Attendees of this course will learn the three stages of technology adoption, coupled with the crucial skills necessary to quickly assess whether a solution is right for an office. This course will also cover how to maximize your office’s technological potential together with how to communicate those benefits.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Learn about the three levels of dental technology and how to tell when the time is right for implementation
- Learn how to translate technological investments to both patients and staff
- Understand how to leverage key web technologies to increase a practice’s new patient levels and decrease account receivables
- Learn how to transform the information contained in a practice’s software into insights that help the office staff manage themselves
Dr. Bryan Laskin

Using 20 years of experience providing dental care to anxious patients, Dr. Bryan Laskin’s passion is to reduce stress for the dental industry through innovation, education and standardization. Through his multiple businesses: Upgrade Dental, Digital Nitrous, OperaDDS and toothapps, and being the author of the book, The Patient First Manifesto, Dr. Laskin excels at integrating technology and teamwork into practices. He plays an active role at several progressive dental organizations, and he serves as counsel to leading dental companies. Through participation at the Dental Standards Institute’s groundbreaking workgroups, Dr. Laskin is giving patients a voice as well as creating important guidelines for emerging technologies.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 8/30/2023
Expiration date: 8/30/2026
How to Leverage Technology to Increase Production, Quality and Growth
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 550 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
It is common knowledge that new game-changing dental technologies, as well as proven underutilized tools, are key aspects to growing a modern dental practice. Attendees of this course will learn the three stages of technology adoption, coupled with the crucial skills necessary to quickly assess whether a solution is right for an office. This course will also cover how to maximize your office’s technological potential together with how to communicate those benefits.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Learn about the three levels of dental technology and how to tell when the time is right for implementation
- Learn how to translate technological investments to both patients and staff
- Understand how to leverage key web technologies to increase a practice’s new patient levels and decrease account receivables
- Learn how to transform the information contained in a practice’s software into insights that help the office staff manage themselves
Dr. Bryan Laskin

Using 20 years of experience providing dental care to anxious patients, Dr. Bryan Laskin’s passion is to reduce stress for the dental industry through innovation, education and standardization. Through his multiple businesses: Upgrade Dental, Digital Nitrous, OperaDDS and toothapps, and being the author of the book, The Patient First Manifesto, Dr. Laskin excels at integrating technology and teamwork into practices. He plays an active role at several progressive dental organizations, and he serves as counsel to leading dental companies. Through participation at the Dental Standards Institute’s groundbreaking workgroups, Dr. Laskin is giving patients a voice as well as creating important guidelines for emerging technologies.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 8/31/2023
Expiration date: 8/31/2026
Restorative Protocol for the Definitive Prosthesis
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This presentation will demonstrate the clinical procedures necessary for fabricating a definitive prosthesis. The course will review the steps and protocols for successful restorations in three restorative appointments.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Predictably schedule the appropriate amount of chair time for each appointment
- Send the necessary records to their preferred lab partner
- Overcome challenges often associated with fabricating All-On-X definitive prostheses
Jeff Carlson, CDT

Mr. Carlson has more than 40 years of dental experience, with almost 30 years focused on dental implants. Jeff is the primary author of a 300 page, fully illustrated “cook book” created for restorative dentists and he is the co-author of a corresponding auxiliary manual. Jeff co-developed a restorative base training program that more than 9,000 dental professionals have attended nationally and internationally.
As the Senior Implant Specialist for NDX nSequence, Jeff provides technical chairside support and lectures across the country on immediate loading full arch restorations, nSequence Guided Prosthetics and the latest advancements in implant technology.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 05/05/21
Expiration date: 05/05/2024
Immediate Full Arch Reconstruction with Guided Surgery and Prosthetics - Part 1: Case Selection
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
In this webinar series, attendees will learn how to properly place different stackable guides and prosthetic components, pickup/deliver an immediate fixed temporary bridge and will get a firm understanding of implant placement protocols. Participants will be taught to understand treatment planning, surgical techniques and options for definitive restorations for full arch implant restorations. The course discussion will include details related to case selection, laboratory partnership, team collaboration and will review current literature and technology used in these types of restorations.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand the important verbal skills required to increase case acceptance and treatment plan a full arch immediate loading case
- Evaluate surgical and prosthetic considerations on the day of surgery in conjunction with the definitive prosthesis
- Learn how to create a team approach for full arch restorations to gain success and achieve case excellence
- Create detailed steps on surgical and prosthetic techniques/protocols for the placement of a full arch, immediately loaded temporary prosthesis

DOUGLAS DITTY DMD, MD is an oral surgeon practicing in Delaware. Dr. Ditty currently practices at First State Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and has been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine for the past 17 years. He has been named ‘Top Doctor’ in Delaware’s top magazine, “Delaware Today” every year since 2006. Dr. Ditty currently practices full scope oral and orthognathic surgeries. He specializes in facial trauma, TMJ, implants, pathology and dento-alveolar surgery. He is passionate about immediate loading procedures and regularly performs “tooth-in- a-day.” Dr. Ditty is an expert in hard and soft tissue procedures, and he conducts implant surgeries in his office.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 09/12/2023
Expiration date: 09/12/2026
Immediate Full Arch Reconstruction with Guided Surgery and Prosthetics - PART 2 - Placement
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
In this webinar series, attendees will learn how to properly place different stackable guides and prosthetic components, pickup/deliver an immediate fixed temporary bridge and will get a firm understanding of implant placement protocols. Participants will be taught to understand treatment planning, surgical techniques and options for definitive restorations for full arch implant restorations. The course discussion will include details related to case selection, laboratory partnership, team collaboration and will review current literature and technology used in these types of restorations.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand the important verbal skills required to increase case acceptance and treatment plan a full arch immediate loading case
- Evaluate surgical and prosthetic considerations on the day of surgery in conjunction with the definitive prosthesis
- Learn how to create a team approach for full arch restorations to gain success and achieve case excellence
- Create detailed steps on surgical and prosthetic techniques/protocols for the placement of a full arch, immediately loaded temporary prosthesis

DOUGLAS DITTY DMD, MD is an oral surgeon practicing in Delaware. Dr. Ditty currently practices at First State Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and has been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine for the past 17 years. He has been named ‘Top Doctor’ in Delaware’s top magazine, “Delaware Today” every year since 2006. Dr. Ditty currently practices full scope oral and orthognathic surgeries. He specializes in facial trauma, TMJ, implants, pathology and dento-alveolar surgery. He is passionate about immediate loading procedures and regularly performs “tooth-in- a-day.” Dr. Ditty is an expert in hard and soft tissue procedures, and he conducts implant surgeries in his office.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 09/26/2023
Expiration date: 09/26/2026
Immediate Full Arch Reconstruction with Guided Surgery and Prosthetics
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
In this series, attendees will learn how to properly place different stackable guides and prosthetic components, pickup/deliver an immediate fixed temporary bridge and will get a firm understanding of implant placement protocols. Participants will be taught to understand treatment planning, surgical techniques and options for definitive restorations for full arch implant restorations. The course discussion will include details related to case selection, laboratory partnership, team collaboration and will review current literature and technology used in these types of restorations.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Understand the important verbal skills required to increase case acceptance and treatment plan a full arch immediate loading case
- Evaluate surgical and prosthetic considerations on the day of surgery in conjunction with the definitive prosthesis
- Learn how to create a team approach for full arch restorations to gain success and achieve case excellence
- Create detailed steps on surgical and prosthetic techniques/protocols for the placement of a full arch, immediately loaded temporary prosthesis

DOUGLAS DITTY DMD, MD is an oral surgeon practicing in Delaware. Dr. Ditty currently practices at First State Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and has been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine for the past 17 years. He has been named ‘Top Doctor’ in Delaware’s top magazine, “Delaware Today” every year since 2006. Dr. Ditty currently practices full scope oral and orthognathic surgeries. He specializes in facial trauma, TMJ, implants, pathology and dento-alveolar surgery. He is passionate about immediate loading procedures and regularly performs “tooth-in- a-day.” Dr. Ditty is an expert in hard and soft tissue procedures, and he conducts implant surgeries in his office.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 10/10/2023
Expiration date: 10/10/2026
Introduction to 3Shape TRIOS: Back to Basics
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course is for first time 3Shape TRIOS users where we will start with turning the system on to running through optimal settings and submitting a single unit crown case. For the best experience, please ensure you are with your scanner as you attend this course
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Foundations in isolation and gingival tissue management
- Learn the workflow for single crown and bridge
- Review trimming, analyzing and shade measurement tools

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications

Brenda has served in dentistry for more than 25 years, is a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) and a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) and has served as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Brenda has extensively trained in such areas as impression techniques (IOS and PVS), retraction cord placement, provisionals and photography.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 09/19/23
Expiration date: 09/19/26
3Shape TRIOS: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will address challenges you may experience, tips for successful integration and will introduce you to scanning for implant restorations.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Review pre-preparation, zoom, lock and HD photo settings
- Learn the workflow for scanning for implant restorations
- Introduction to scan bodies and implant restoration workflows

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications

Brenda has served in dentistry for more than 25 years, is a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) and a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) and has served as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Brenda has extensively trained in such areas as impression techniques (IOS and PVS), retraction cord placement, provisionals and photography.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 10/03/23
Expiration date: 10/03/26
3Shape TRIOS: Advancing Your Knowledge Base
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will help you navigate scanning crowns under partial workflows, edentulous scanning and will introduce you to 3Shape Trios Excite Apps.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Learn the workflow and scanning for crowns under partials
- Optimally scan a wash impression for the edentulous patient
- Evaluate software to identify Excite App capabilities

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications

Brenda has served in dentistry for more than 25 years, is a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) and a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) and has served as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Brenda has extensively trained in such areas as impression techniques (IOS and PVS), retraction cord placement, provisionals and photography.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 10/17/23
Expiration date: 10/17/26
Treatment Planning And Restorative Steps For Resin-Based All-On-X
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will cover the use of fixed and removable acrylic-based, full arch implant-supported restorations. We will discuss the critical components of treatment planning, implant placement strategies, prosthetic components and a fixed and removable workflow.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Choose whether a fixed or removable restoration is best for a patient
- Understand the restorative space and A-P spread to improve case planning
- Select and use implant attachments
- Understand the workflow for both fixed and removable acrylic-based, implant-supported restorations

Tramain Watkins, CDT, has been working in the dental laboratory industry for more than 30 years. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College in Issaquah, WA as class valedictorian, he has gained extensive experience in all aspects of fixed and removable restorations, with an emphasis on implant supported and retained restorations. He also has provided clinical support for case planning, troubleshooting, and implant placement. He has trained other technicians in all aspects of dental technology and has written and lectured on several aspects of restorative dentistry.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 9/14/2023
Expiration date: 9/14/2026
Digital Workflows for Implant Planning, Placement and Restoration in the Aesthetic Zone
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
The anterior maxilla holds its own unique set of circumstances when planning, placing and restoring dental implants. Ideal dental implant placement can lead to an aesthetic success or failure. Smile line, buccal bone and tissue profile all must be taken into consideration. This program will utilize a totally-digital workflow to guide the clinician on how to plan, place and restore dental implants in the anterior maxilla to help achieve the best aesthetic outcome.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Identify the concepts of guided surgical dental implant placement
- Acquire the appropriate CBCT files and intraoral scans
- Develop a plan for prosthetically-driven implants
- Define when to extract followed by immediate implant placement/temporization

DOMENIC D’AMICO, DMD graduated from Boston College with a BS in Biology and received his DMD degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. D’Amico is an adjunct instructor and lectures on CAD/CAM dentistry. He lectures on digital dentistry, 3D planning, restoration and placement of dental implants. Dr. D’Amico started a private practice in his hometown, Watertown, MA, where his interest in digital dentistry led to the integration of digital design, manufacturing technology, CBCT imaging and guided implant placement. Dr. D’Amico grew his expertise by adding 3D printing technology, and his practice has now completely embraced digital workflows.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 9/28/2023
Expiration date: 9/28/2026
3Shape® TRIOS® Scan Path Strategy for Partially and Fully Edentulous Scanning
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Scanning partially and fully edentulous patients has evolved quickly throughout the past few years, and we are excited to update you on digital workflows and key elements to effectively communicate with the dental laboratory. Learn how to develop your own prescription and specific instructions for your digital cases.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Review the types of partially and fully edentulous cases
- Analyze the anatomy of edentulous spaces and determine the scanning strategy
- Capture necessary anatomical landmarks
- Assess post-processed scans of anatomy and prepare final notes for the lab

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

With more than 25 years in dentistry, Brenda holds credentials as a Certified Dental Assistant and Registered Dental Assistant with expanded functions in Michigan. She served on the clinical faculty of University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry in the Division of Clinical/Restorative Dentistry, teaching dental students technology integration and isolation techniques with active patients. She has taught clinical techniques across North America, including impressions and retraction cord placement.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 11/16/2023
Expiration date: 11/16/2026
iTero Digital Workflow for Partially and Fully Edentulous Scanning
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE Each credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Scanning partially and fully edentulous patients has evolved quickly throughout this last year, and we are excited to update you on workflows and key elements to effectively communicate with the dental laboratory. Learn how to develop your own prescription and specific instructions for your digital cases.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Review the types of partially and fully edentulous cases
- Analyze the anatomy of edentulous spaces and determine the scanning strategy
- Capture necessary anatomical landmarks
- Assess post-processed scans of anatomy and prepare final notes for the lab

Kelly began her career more than 20 years ago as an RDA EFDA, graduating from Bryman College. She has a comprehensive knowledge of dentistry and the dental laboratory industry. Kelly has been professionally trained on most major devices, and she is able to provide expert chairside coaching. She manages the NDX Clinical IOS Training Team and has clinically trained over 1,000 dentists and their teams. Kelly enjoys sharing her knowledge by presenting webinars and is a regular contributor to dental publications.

Brittany is a Registered Dental Hygienist and an experienced intraoral scanner trainer, having trained hundreds of dental professionals throughout the West Coast. Brittany has a passion for training and education; her ultimate goals are to share effective scanning practices, promote patient education and to create success for every dental team member. Brittany resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 10/26/23
Expiration date: 07/12/25
Part 1: Pre-Surgical Treatment Planning and Considerations Implants 101: A Technician’s Approach For Success
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 2 CEs credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This two-part webinar series will highlight key points of the last 30 years of implant dentistry. In this series, participants will learn a 4-step process for pre-surgical treatment planning to help provide predictable results. Additionally, attendees will explore the advantages and disadvantages of different restorative options and will review the steps and considerations for planning and completing a definitive prosthesis.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Comprehend basic biomechanics and common prosthetic components
- Understand the treatment phases and protocols needed for common implant restorations
- Understand when to use an analog impression in the aesthetic zone to create a more natural emergence profile
- Select the proper prosthesis to meet the patient’s and the clinician’s expectations

JEFF CARLSON has extensive experience in both the dental laboratory setting as well as working with dental implant manufacturers in the areas of education, and technical and sales support. He has lectured both nationally and internationally on dental implants. Jeff is the primary author of a 300-page, fully illustrated “cookbook” for restorative doctors and is a co-author of a corresponding restorative manual for auxiliaries that has been distributed in eight countries. Jeff has also developed a two-day training program helping clinicians improve their presentation skills, which has been attended by more than 200 dentists from 16 countries.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 11/8/2023
Expiration date: 11/8/2026
Implants 101: A Technician's Approach for Success (2 Part Series)
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 2 CEs credit by viewing this FREE online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This two-part series will highlight key points of the last 30 years of implant dentistry. In this series, participants will learn a 4-step process for pre-surgical treatment planning to help provide predictable results. Additionally, attendees will explore the advantages and disadvantages of different restorative options and will review the steps and considerations for planning and completing a definitive prosthesis.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Comprehend basic biomechanics and common prosthetic components
- Understand the treatment phases and protocols needed for common implant restorations
- Understand when to use an analog impression in the aesthetic zone to create a more natural emergence profile
- Select the proper prosthesis to meet the patient’s and the clinician’s expectations

JEFF CARLSON has extensive experience in both the dental laboratory setting as well as working with dental implant manufacturers in the areas of education, and technical and sales support. He has lectured both nationally and internationally on dental implants. Jeff is the primary author of a 300-page, fully illustrated “cookbook” for restorative doctors and is a co-author of a corresponding restorative manual for auxiliaries that has been distributed in eight countries. Jeff has also developed a two-day training program helping clinicians improve their presentation skills, which has been attended by more than 200 dentists from 16 countries.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 12/6/2023
Expiration date: 12/6/2026
Clear Aligner Academy
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Join our complimentary 4-part Clear Aligner Academy — An in-depth training to deep dive into clear aligner therapy.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Increasing Implant Case Acceptance Through Effective Communication
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 550 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Effectively communicating the benefits and the standard process of implant therapy is critical in gaining the patient’s confidence to undergo treatment. This course reviews implant designs, implant placement and definitive restorations to strengthen the clinician’s case selection and presentation capabilities, ultimately helping to increase case acceptance.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 02/20/2024
Expiration date: 02/20/2027
Utilizing the Digital Denture Workflow in Your Practice
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 670 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.COURSE OVERVIEW
This course will explore the analog denture workflow as compared to digital and hybrid workflows. We will also review foundational concepts of denture occlusion, tooth positioning and the advantages of digital dentures. Furthermore, we will introduce a new facial scanning technique that helps us achieve two-appointment dentures.

Tramain Watkins, CDT, has been working in the dental laboratory industry for more than 30 years. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College in Issaquah, WA as class valedictorian, he has gained extensive experience in all aspects of fixed and removable restorations, with an emphasis on implant supported and retained restorations. He also has provided clinical support for case planning, troubleshooting, and implant placement. He has trained other technicians in all aspects of dental technology and has written and lectured on several aspects of restorative dentistry.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 9/14/2024
Expiration date: 3/7/2027
Let's Go Digital!
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 010 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Patients continue to drive demand for convenience, faster results and a comfortable experience. Digital dentistry helps to answer that call and has become essential to helping patients achieve the health and function that they desire. This course will review the latest digital treatment protocols.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 03/12/2024
Expiration date: 03/12/2027
Introduction to Digital Dentures
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 670 | Course Prerequisites : None
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
The growing popularity and rapidly evolving technology of digital dentures have compelled clinicians to explore the associated benefits and challenges. This program aims to provide an overview of all aspects of digital dentures, including indications, materials, workflows and fabrication. Clinicians will leave with the resources needed to start their digital denture journey.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 03/28/2024
Expiration date: 03/28/2027
Find Joy in the Journey: Contemporary Denture Workflows
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 670 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
As workflows evolve to incorporate digital dentistry, clinicians can benefit from interweaving components of both conventional and digital dentures. This course will present digital workflows for immediate, copy, reference and traditional complete dentures. The program will also review the evolution of digital denture materials, fabrication methods for more durable, better-fitting dentures and guidelines for delivering dentures in three appointments.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 04/16/2024
Expiration date: 04/16/2027
Building a Healthy Practice with Digital Dentures
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 670 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 0.5 CE credit by viewing this $5 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will provide a guide on implementing digital dentures into your practice. Attendees will compare the workflows of analog denture fabrication with new milling and digital printing technologies. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for using digital dentures to differentiate your practice and expand your client base.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 04/25/2024
Expiration date: 04/25/2027
Full Arch Implant Prosthetics
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Planning and executing full arch fixed implant solutions can sometimes be confusing and complicated. This course addresses some of the most commonly encountered questions and complications with All-on-X restorations. The content will include restoratively driven treatment planning, digital planning for surgical guides and digital restorative solutions.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 05/07/2024
Expiration date: 05/07/2027
Management of a Compromised Aesthetic Zone
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 780 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This course will discuss various treatment modalities for fractured, malformed and weakened teeth in the aesthetic zone. The course will highlight the surgical and restorative aspects of therapy. We will present modern concepts such as submerged root therapy with a tooth-borne dental prosthesis, resin-bonded restorations and implant-supported restorations.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 05/16/2024
Expiration date: 05/16/2027
Analog vs. Digital Removable Workflows in Your Practice (2 Part Series)
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 670 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 2 CEs credit by viewing this Free online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
This two-part series will review foundational concepts for both partials and dentures and will cover analog and digital workflows for both removable products. These courses will also review indications for different materials.

Tramain Watkins, CDT, has been working in the dental laboratory industry for more than 30 years. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College in Issaquah, WA as class valedictorian, he has gained extensive experience in all aspects of fixed and removable restorations, with an emphasis on implant supported and retained restorations. He also has provided clinical support for case planning, troubleshooting, and implant placement. He has trained other technicians in all aspects of dental technology and has written and lectured on several aspects of restorative dentistry.
*In order to receive CE credits, participants must view the entire webinar presentation, and take the survey and quiz once the lecture portion is complete.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 5/30/2024
Expiration date: 5/30/2027
Comprehensive Review of Possible Complications with Implant Restorative Procedures
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 690 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Sufficient case planning is crucial for successful implant therapy outcomes. However, when restoring implants, clinicians may face various mechanical, biological or technical complications. This course will review potential causes for these complications and outline strategies to prevent repeat failures.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 06/01/2024
Expiration date: 06/4/2027
Implant Overdenture Overview
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
AGD SUBJECT CODE : 610 | Course Prerequisites :
You can earn 1 CE credit by viewing this $9 online course. All details about the webinar have been included below. To get started, click here to sign up. The presentation will begin directly after. You will receive your CE verification certificate 7-10 days after completing the course.
Implant overdentures are a great alternative solution for patients who are not satisfied with their dentures and are not candidates for fixed implant prostheses. This course will review indications, treatment planning and execution for single attachment overdentures as well as bar overdentures.
Ready to begin the online course? Click here to sign up and the presentation will begin directly after.
Contact with any questions.

National Dentex
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024
Provider ID# 211838
Release date: 6/18/2024
Expiration date: 6/18/2027
How to Conduct Performance Reviews
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
How to Implement a Performance Management System that Works
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Staff Incentives – Bonus vs. Benefits
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
How to Conduct Effective Meetings that Produce Results
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
What does Customer Service in Dentistry Really Mean?
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Implant Integration: Basic and Advanced Principles
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Clear Aligner Therapy Protocols, Procedures and Practice Applications
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Easy and Efficient Immediate Digital Dentures
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical
Enhancing Case Acceptance and Achieving Optimal Results with Clear Aligners
On-Demand CE Webinars and Dental/Medical